Atrocity: Omg new stuff is happening! 4-27-2020


I dont know if any of you are as excited as i am but omg stuff is happening around here! And being worked on around here too!
Restless has returned! And its soooo wonderful to have her back!
She is also now co owner of the site! CONGRATS!

As for whats new? The
lab in the adopts area is now open! You can create a pet to your own specifications! Its been coming soon for 4 years and Im so glad to see it finally functional!

Though keep in mind that on relaunch everyones stuff will get deleted (besides their candy amount) So feel free to play around- but if you dont wanna waste your precious candy feel free to wait before committing!

we will also let you all know ahead of time before we delete everything so you have time to possibly trade in your beads for all the candy you can manage XD and keep that on the roll over- (then if you want you can switch them back to beads and be rich wut? I didnt say anything!)

We are also working on avatar and the farm/garden orchard- (Or rather Restless is? XD God shes awesome So hopefully we'll see that update soon- but lets not rush her ^^)

There is also a new pet species! YAY Planteras! I have a cat-ctus named Ryan...he is my baby boo and I love him...
(I know this image/link will be broken on relaunch lol)
How can you not love that face? XD There arent alot of outcomes yet and they arent breedable, but i mean come on- a plant?? We're breaking new ground around this joint!

We're working on more stuff for them in between the rest of it!
If anyone wants to help create anything on the site please do get ahold of me! We are always open to submissions! We WANT to see your creativity! So please share! Dont be scared we dont care how badly or well you draw! <3

Ahh man theres other stuff...Like a secret pet outcome you can get from a certain coin and the new plant pets...its quite the.."little horror..." If you know what I mean..?

I guess thats all im gonna divulge for now! we'll keep working on stuff! Love you all! <3

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