Atrocity: New shop- easter event, pet backgrounds and more! 3-19-22


Hello Atrocitians! Its been a bit and Im sorry- but we have indeed been busy!
And heres what we've got for you!

Theres a new shop in town! I know you've been selling things from your inventory- and when doing this you've run into Ace-!

Ace buys your things- Thanks you and then sorta dissapears! Welllll now all those sold items have somewhere to go- Aces resale! You might find something you've been searching for here! Its easy to spot- just go to the shop menu (Exploration->shops) and theres a banner for it right at the top!

even though it SAYS resale- all prices are the regular prices XD


I added more to the site encyclopedia- like telling you where to get what in the mines- as well as redid some stuff in there- and added some new stuff in the mines... switched some stuff about- so I made a post about them.

There is also a new area to go to in your house that pertains to this new mine setup- the ORE REFINERY- You can get the permit from account upgrades just like any other one-

You can go there and siliar to the pizza oven you can use Coal and Some raw gems- to get refined versions of those gems and things..this is also how you get the different bars, like copper, gold, silver etc.

You can get some coal from the coal ine attached to your refinery- or on rare occasions your fave pet can find coal for you (and mention getting dirty doing it)


I lovingly call him Patrick.

Our lovely Dark Ruby helped us with some of the ore/gem images


there is now an Inn you can take your pets to

It works simliar to the house- but more for those who cant afford the permits- they can take their pets here to feed, bathe or give their pet a nap for a small fee and get some stats refilled a bit.
Go say Hi to Caramel for me!


I added a bunch of new things to the rounceys
D= dominant, R= recessive

Spirit ears - R
Puppy ears- D
dragon ears- D
Long downward ears- R

Spirit eyes-R

Spirit feet - R
Spirit crest- R
Gold adornments - R
Dragon feet- D
Foreward horns- R
Curled horns- D

spirit mane- R

Spirit tail- R
Dragon tail- D
Unicorn tail- R
Deer Tail- R
March 9, 2022


Thanks to Kristhasirah and Micolai theres a new feature in the alchemy service!
A recipe book! You need a recipe book item from the Account upgrades shop- but once you have it you can go here and see all the current onsite recipes and how to use them! All organized in neat little tabs!


Later on I hope to be able to add on being able to create the items from here too- but this is what we've got so far- To get here you'll see the option to use your recipe book in the alchemy page!

Thanks to Dark Ruby, Kristhasirah and Micolai you can now add pet backgrounds to your pets to jazz them up a bit!

Pizazz is here to add some awesomeness to your pets! Shes super easy to find you just go to  Explore->shops->petpaints-> Bang up backgrounds!
and to use them you just use them from your inventory and pick the pet its on!
To remove them you simply hit "remove background " from that pets manage page!
more in depth Tutorial for this here
Have fun guys!



~~Fixed the ability to talk to Eyre when you find him... sorry that was my fault I had a captial A instead of a lowercase A in the name... it wasnt working cuz it didnt know where to send it to!

~~All of your pets now show up on your Personal->pets Page thanks to  Kristhasirah

  helping me figure that out!

~~ Went through all Over 1688 Items and some now give your pet EXP also...

~~ Theres a new image for pounded pets- they used to have sad faces depending on species... however with the addition of paintbrushes that no longer worked... so now theres a little icon in a speech bubble.

~~When harvesting crops you now have a chance to get seeds back instead of the product.

~~Pets can now run into slimes- in Red, Orange, Dark Blue, Light Blue, Pink, Purple, and Yellow

~~ Added More recipes and items for those recipes-  > Corn off the cob, Corn syrup squares, Cold taco,  Common Crudites,  Corn Fritter,  Deluxe Sandwich, Strawberry Crepes,  Eggy Scramble, Exotic salad,  Grilled Cheese, Frog in a hole, Fruit salad,  Apple jack,  Awesome Stew,  Basic omelette, Berry bowl

~~~ Added a note to the Riddle Corner (which now works on its own) about answers since the code for it is so picky and needs things to be exact..

Thats all for now!

Till next time!
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