Atrocity: Halloween 2021 and Pizza Ovens


Hey atrocitians! Im here to let you know the Halloween event has returned! The bakeneko are back from the shrine to celebrate with you <3

Its the halloween event!

What does this mean?

it means that the bakeneko are back on the site for the holiday! Man do they love Halloween! in fact they've decided to be awesomely nice and share some treasures with you!

But not always for free!
Your pet will find Some Katty Taffy sometimes as you wander the site that you can use to persuade the Bakeneko to let you play! They're also being generous and giving you some free ones everyday!

**You can also now find them on the forums too as you browse there!

Head on over to the Event plaza to start playing! and winning items!

(I admit that the games are not perfect...I am an amateur coder..but I tried!)

There is also Some new items in
Caratrises, Habibis, and Delilahs stores!

As well as some spooky Pet genetics!


You can also do some trick or treating! You just need to visit a Users profile! A banner will randomly appear! and you then can click on it to get prizes!

This is what the banner looks like!

To be able to obtain these items you need to have a Which is available to buy in Habibi's holiday for the Month!
Please Also try to leave a Lovely message on their profile when you find something! we all deserve some love!


Also please Feel free to Join in the Discussion Forum about halloween!

This Event Will Last until October 30th!



Pizza Ovens!


You may notice that your house looks a bit different, same functionality, but theres something new added- a pizza Oven! which you can buy the permit for over at Account upgrades!

What does it do? It lets you cook pizza!


These Pizzas are special in the fact that they Fill your pets meters 100%

How do you get the ingredients?

Well the
wood is found by your pet

And the ingredients can either be found at the Supermarket, Farmed foods, Or by exploring the meadow farm and encountering farm animals.
(mind you I may change where you get some of them- but it will always be one of these three as in take some out of the supermarket to get from the farm animals instead- sort of deal.)


Thats all for now! Still working on other stuff too!
Till next time!~
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