Atrocity: Autumn fest is ove and apologies 9-1-2021


Hello! Today marks the end of the Autumn fest- next holiday even is in October when the Bakeneko come down from the shrine to celebrate halloween.

on another note I do apologize for the lack of updates recently, I was really bummed at all the work I put into the Autumn fest all of the month of July and no one was playing. SO I got a bit depressed and Stopped working on the site for a while-

Sorry.  If I can be candidly honest It can be REALLY REALLY hard to find motivation to work on the site sometimes... as well as frusterating and difficult. Im a one person team right now that CANNOT actually code. So I cant give you guys things and features I would love to give you.. But I do try my best.  And I definately appreciate those of you who continue to stick with me.. and the people who can code who help me out when I break things.

Im doing the best I can on my own with little feedback. So that will have to be good enough right?

I love you all and this isnt meant to be a Sympathy post or anything.

I am back to work on stuff... and I will keep doing what I can while we wait for help/people to finish features for you all. I will always be here. And I will NEVER truly give up on Atrocity... so dont worry- It will exist as long as I do.

And something super helpful if you dont mind helping is to tell your friends and help me advertise If you love my site as I do, help me get more people who will also love it.. If theres more active users- Im sure it will be more fun to be on. So Id appreciate the help.

There are a few updates to mention that I did the past couple days.

It now tells you if a pet is breedable in the adoption center-


And also lets you know the last time a user has logged in in their user profile (under membersince)

Unfortunately thats all I have for now- Gotta go update the theme to be fall because like a moron I forgot to do it last month lol......

back to waiting, and working on what I can.

~Till next time all!
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I know this feeling *way* too well.  It's hit me several times on many different projects.  The feeling absolutely sucks.

Take a break from it, enjoy time with loved ones.  The site will be there when you are back and ready for it :)
