Atrocity: Autumn Fest 2021


Hello! Its been a while and I apologize- I have been working though! despite how it may look, Im currently still doing things pretty much on my own- so please bear with me...

However we do need to thank-

Micolai and Kristhasirah

For their help getting some codes to work.

Anyway! onto the Autumn fest! From the 1st of August to the 31st your fave pet will sometimes find you a Leaf !  Just click on it in the speech bubble to collect it! Theres a 15 minute timer though before you can get another one!

With these leaves you can go play games at the Festival!

Where you can win some special prizes, avatar bases, addons, and other such things. (Im hoping to be able to add more things to do over the course of the month... but at the same time I may not be able to...Im also hoping that each year /with more help/ these will get better with more things to do and better games.)

Also dont forget to join in Sams Pumpkin carving Contest!

Also dont forget to join in the Forum topic and set up trades for the special items and talk about the festival!

And dont forget to fight Scarecrow Jack Hes here to cause trouble, Put that hay filled monster in his place and help win everyone some special prizes!

Thats all for now!
I hope you have a fun time and win some neato Prizes! <3

~Till next time

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