Atrocity: 2-10-2022 -some minor updates-


Hello! Sorry its been a bit since I last updated and the last update was the farming feature.. well I promise I have been working on things- Its just not easy to do artwork right now since its so cold out and my wrist hates me. But I promise stuff is in the works despite my Radio silence-

Again I usually update/talk/ask more on the discord server- so if you wanna see more updates- be involved in more stuff with the site I would suggest joining there-

In other news we have other things in the works- we are working on a New pet species- Its a horse-type- but theres still a ways to go for that!

---You can no longer view a banned users Profile (they also dont show up in the user list anymore either-)


--- You can also now tell if a crop is harvestable or not-


--- Added two new slot machines to the Casino- Candy and Bead ones. They arent the most amazing- but something!


--The online list no longer tells you how much money a user has- (I thought it was ridiculous and sort of dangerous- and only setting up beggars to know who to beg at.) So now it shows how many crops a user is growing-


---Added in some Croatian names thanks to Cheba the smol bee
"Sinisa", "Pero", "Ljubimir", "Zvonimir", “Mislav”, “Luka”, “Arsen”, “Ivica”, “Domagoj”, “Hrvoje”, “Sasa”, “Damir”, “Davor”, “Mirko”, “Kristijan”, “Marijan”, “Josip”, “Ivona”, “Ana”, “Zeljka”, “Danijela”, “Zvijezdana”, “Tea”, “Mateja”

Its a mix of masculine/feminine.. since there really arent any gender nuetral names I learned XD sooooooo Thanks bee!

---There is a new Welcome screen when you login! You'll notice theres now weather and your fave pets status! I plan to update/upgrade show more stuff and evenutally make the weather do something but for now you have this-


Im also working on some other things, and minor things, as well as major things! Theres alot going on behind the scenes!

But yea thanks for sticking with me!

~Till next time!
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