Artist/Writer For Hire


New member
Hello everyone,

I am a digital artist that has been creating content for over 10 years now. I post majority of my work on DeviantART (see link below), and I have also done some writing in the past as well. I use to write fan fictions and original short stories. Current projects include my first comic, clip art, and creature design. I am self-taught, this means I learned everything I know through self study through practice as well as many tutorials and other things. Not trying to paint myself in a huge light, but I am quite talented in the right settings as an artist.

I have previously worked on item artwork for 1 virtual pet site called Solpets, and I was a moderator on another virtual reptile breeding site called Reptile Breeder. I'm big into gaming, mostly MMOs and virtual pet sites so I know a great deal of how item artwork works, the creation process, etc. I also really enjoy creating new species of creatures, no matter how weird they are.

I'm willing to discuss payment/wage methods with my employer/commissioner as either; a hourly wage, per creation, per word count, etc.

My DeviantART Gallery:

I am available for work as soon as possible once everything has been agreed upon and work has been accepted on my end. If interested in having me as part of your development team in regards to art and/or written work, please feel free to contact me.

You can contact me via PM, note on DeviantART, or on Discord (CaityJuju#5112). Please do not send me spam if you are not someone looking to hire me as an artist, thank you.

Enjoy your day folks! ^^

- Caity
