A pretty horrible accident


So earlier today when I was attempting to get Wild Souls online, I accidentally uploaded the files in the wrong place: that place being foodbabs. Any files with the same names were automatically overwritten (including our pretty new theme that I spent an entire day fixing! whyyyy mee???), so the site might be down for a few days while I restore stuff. The database was unaffected, so your pets and the like are still safe, but unfortunately this means I have to rewrite probably a majority of pages on the site. A lot of features that were there are more often than not missing now...

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Sorry hear that - I've done a similar thing in the past. That's why I use Github/Bitbucket to track all my changes.

if you don't already do so I recommend you create an account and add your code to a repo, then in future the effect of something like this is minimal.

Regards, Paul.

I have a github and bitbucket account, but I'm not sure how to use them. I'm leaning towards gitlab, since it's free and doesn't have a 1gb limit. I guess I'll try be best to not have multiple tabs open too, what happened was that I have the sites on different hosts, but I had both file managers open :/  

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You should use gitlabs it have a private repository also so nobody can see your code and feeling sad that you lost few file or huge :(

I have a github and bitbucket account, but I'm not sure how to use them. I'm leaning towards gitlab, since it's free and doesn't have a 1gb limit. I guess I'll try be best to not have multiple tabs open too, what happened was that I have the sites on different hosts, but I had both file managers open :/  

Great video for GitLabs.

I read this topic last night and thought to myself, "wow, that is really awful".

Fast forward to this morning.....I am re-uploading every body image for the dynamic image layering system as we speak :) Hurray for horrible accidents!

Oh wow that is too bad and super frustrating I am sure. :( Definitely second using a version control system of some sort. Really helps with something like this so you can get your work back. 

It's also great if your hard drive fails or other disasters. I know when I was in college my professor used to say something doesn't exist unless it's replicated in 3 places. Obviously not literally true, but a good sentiment to keep backups of everything.

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I have a backup of the site from when it moved to x10, so I was able to replace most stuff, but I do need a more recent backup. Luckily, a lot of newer features had their own page, or similar pages on both sites were given different file names, so those were not overwritten.

I actually fixed most things now, the only thing left is a style or two missing from tables/popups/progress bars, etc. Functionally, I would say things are back to normal now.

Well that's good you were able to get most of it then. Always frustrating to have to redo what's already been done.
