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  1. C

    Common art styles

    I feel that semi-realistic and realistic art is in demand these days, but it really depends on the style a site is going for. I've been seeing more sims lately with realistic item art, though. Agree with @Dinocanid and @st4nn1s that cell-shaded works are easier to replicate. Rendering a...
  2. C

    Show off what you are working on

    I added a few photos the illustrations I have been working on... Have been pretty busy with work, and also getting an Etsy page up for the business I own with my partner. :) Craft fair season is starting (or already started tbh) and we are trying to get our online stores up and running before...
  3. C

    Show off what you are working on

    I finally have a video capture setup done for my work table, so I can now take timelapse videos and more while I draw. Here's the latest video I posted on my Facebook Art Page : 
  4. C

    Show off what you are working on

  5. C

    Tablet, Mobile, Browser Pet Site Games trends?

    Hi folks,  What kind of trends do you see for this year onwards - for the pet site industry, or beyond (general gaming)? I remember that a few years back, there was a big hype about gaming moving to mobile, and sure there are a lot of games you could find in app stores.  I personally think the...
  6. C

    Can anyone recommend a good tablet to look at purchasing?

    @Digital I like your art! I have heard so many great things about the iPad with the Pencil & ProCreate. All my favorite artists have been using that and showing their work online haha. 
  7. C

    Show off what you are working on

    Will do, Mortain. :) Update; This is my latest painting. I have been extremely busy with my freelance work and recently acquired a new job too, so haven't had much time to paint. This might be the last thing for a while haha.
  8. C

    Show off what you are working on

    I've been working on putting together a Kickstarter campaign for a social enterprise I founded with my partner last year, hoping to raise funds for machinery & to scale our business. We're planning on a launch in April, so I've been working on some pre-launch swag & promo items to sell...
  9. C

    What artistic or creative goals are you going to accomplish in 2018?

    I think my artistic goals this year is getting better at anatomy, using markers (I got a set of copic markers recently and love using them), and being more active with promoting my work. Professionally I'm trying to land a good gig related to branding design, so I can support my partner when we...
  10. C

    Looking for a new server host, any recommendations?

    .Hey guys, hope your holidays are going well. :) I have been hosting my websites via DreamHost for the last few years, yet I'm not too pleased with how much their plans are costing for both shared & VPS hosting. Also as a Canadian and paying USD, the exchange rate kinda (really) hurts...
  11. C

    Show off what you are working on

    I redid this painting from 2011 which is like, 6 years ago and I'm pretty happy with the results. :)  Sometimes it's pretty cool to see how much you improve based on what you can finally paint v. before. I didn't know the techniques to paint what I had in mind back then haha Before/after...
  12. C

    Show off what you are working on

    I really like this style! I'd love to see more item art like this :P
  13. C

    Show off what you are working on

    Finally finished the painting WIP I posted earlier;;
  14. C

    Show off what you are working on

    I tried my hands at drawing some adoptable templates in a cartoonish style lol. I don't know if I like it enough but here it is. Not familiar with drawing on square canvases.
  15. C

    How do you name things for games?

    Just a curious question! I have been working on some ideas for an adoptables site and am struggling to come up with a catchy but simple name for the game. Sometimes I like to plug some words together and mix them around, write down words related to the name in a brainstorming cloud and try to...
  16. C

    Show off what you are working on

    Thanks @Digital  :) I have been thinking of rebooting an old game dev project of mine so I might post some art WIPs for that later.  I am currently working on some holiday greeting card designs and prints and building up a small back-log of stock. I'll have stuff to post soon I think. XD
  17. C

    Show off what you are working on

      I've been working on a lot more digital paintings lately - here's one of them! Currently a redraw of one of my oldest paintings from 2013. I'm not finished yet with this one but I hope to finish it sometime this weekend. :) I do post most of my WIPs on my Facebook Page or Instagram if...
  18. C

    Selling Artwork Advice?

    I would actually try looking at local markets - where you live or see if you can get local contracts as an artist. With a digital portfolio you're already quite ahead of traditional-only artists, and could play to your versatility. I would recommend looking at local work, since you could...
  19. C

    Show off what you are working on

    Yay! I'm glad you enjoyed it :D I'm always nervous sharing my writing haha, which is why I guess I don't do it often.  I'm currently on my 4th draft of my manuscript (80k words; I'm an underwriter... trying to hit 90k with this final revision). About to start agenting + querying in September...
  20. C

    Show off what you are working on

    I've been pretty busy with my new design job (super happy about that still xD) so everything I did lately are stuff I can't disclose yet. But I guess I've been writing /editing my novel (a YA cyberpunk fantasy) so I guess it counts?  Anyways here's a snippet of my writing. The main character...