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  1. T

    Programmer Available

    So, I haven't worked in this field before but I'm interested in it and helping out others if possible (at a discount)? I've been at my current front end development job for about a year and a half now. I know / use daily: HTML / CSS JavaScript, jQuery Angular Node.js / Express (endpoints...
  2. T

    PHP? Frameworks?

    Hi,  Just a question that ive been wondering recently as im teaching myself Front End Web Design.  For pet sites / web and text based online rpgs, it seems they are predominantly coded in PHP. Do you code it solely in PHP (ignoring the DB element) or do you incorporate frameworks?  Edit ...
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    Views on the current American President

    As a Brit, I follow this topic on and off but.. I do read his Twitter from time to time (I don't think it's a good idea he has one) and I'm currently reading up about the whole Russia scandal and the buzz word seems to be 'Impeachment' at the moment.
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    30 days of game concept brainstorms: the aftermath

    I really love the badvisor concept. I also like World Reborn, it reminds me of Jurassic Park..
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    So, hopefully this doesn't bring up too much of a bad discussion but I managed to accidentally stumble across Evocality online.  What exactly happened with that? Just looks like last update was in 2015 then there's absolutely nothing? Just curious, thanks.
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    The Surge

    Anyone else bought The Surge? Yes I know it's literally just came out but I preordered mine (PS4). :) I managed to play 10 minutes before work this morning (ahem, currently at work..) and it's safe to say it looks like quite an intriguing game. I'm still mildly obsessed with Horizon Zero...