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  1. N

    VPL has returned!

    Looks like Carlos got it back up and running in the last couple of days. Unfortunately it doesnt have all the old content, but still.. its back! :O
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    Project: Petsite [Open Alpha] >> Questing Now Available

    The Jester is now available for you to complete quests for!The Jester awards exclusively gold and requests toys that he ends up losing when he leaves them around the Castle.. Perhaps Curio can help?Visit Now
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    Keep your project organised using Trello

    Trello is a really amazing project management program that is free to use and works seamlessly across most platforms (iOS, Android, all modern browsers). It works with multiple people in teams and allows you to filter to the tasks that are important to you. The best part is that it is super...
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    HTML5 Game Suggestions and Feedback

    Hey all, I've played with HTML5 before, but never created anything "published". I decided to crack open the HTML5 tutorials to start getting to grips with it. I've made this... thing, and was wondering if you thought it had the potential to convert into a full blown game? Click to focus...
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    TV Show: Misfits

    So I recently switched from Sky to NOW TV. With NOW TV comes all the E4 stuff (with no adverts omg!), so I'm working through Misfits again haha! It's a fantastic show about a group of teens who are doing community service who end up with super powers.  Anyone else watched it? What do you...
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    Game development: Expectation vs Reality

    Found this and thought it was worth sharing. (I did not draw this)
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    Unmatching layout

    The sidebar content on the "main" forum page does not match the sidebar content once you dig into any of the forums. I wanted to see who was online and the current power leaderboard, however this data is not available when viewing the forums homepage.  Could we make it so that regardless of...
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    Book: Ready Player One

    So this book is one of my absolute favourites, when I was reading it I couldn't put it down.  It it has a unique way of telling it's story, and many of the twists and turns you don't see coming.  Speilberg is also currently making this this into a movie which is really exciting! (They filmed...
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    [1,2,3,4] I declare a Console War!

    So if we ignore all this "PC Master Race" nonsense for a moment and focus on the latest generation of Consoles, which do you prefer? Both Xbox and PS4 have their pro's and con's (I own both) and I have to admit that I like them both but for different reasons.   PS. I'm not including the...
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    A "Go straight to the Club I own" button

    If there is one somewhere please can you point me in the right direction. Currently I have to go to the Game Clubs page and scroll through to find the Club I own. I appreciate there is a "My Clubs" box on the right, however I have joined many clubs and it takes some time to find my specific one...
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    Help I'm addicted to TGL..

    ...when I should be coding! OK, It's a clickbait title.. I'm not actually addicted, however now you're here, I just wanted to point out an observation. I normally come on every day or every 2 days at the latest. I read everything and binge post to anything that takes my interest. I noticed on...
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    The "Hello New Person" auto-post

    Is it possible to customise it? If yes, perhaps you could also add links to all the relevant guides (Community Guidelines, Adoptables Guide etc) ? When i first joined, i remember this post was was the FIRST thing i read, since it was my first notification.
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    How to: Keep your project organised using Trello

    Trello is a really amazing project management program that is free to use and works seamlessly across most platforms (iOS, Android, all modern browsers). It works with multiple people in teams and allows you to filter to the tasks that are important to you. The best part is that it is super...
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    Viewing Reputation

    When viewing the reputation of a user's profile, the default tab selected is the one for "status updates".  Most reputation is earned from forum posts, so it in my opinion it makes sense to show the posts as the "default" tab when viewing a user's reputation. 
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    So I've just posted 200 posts..

    ..and I'm quite surprised how quickly that went.  I only just joined around a Month ago and I'm already getting these kind of Milestones. Thanks TGL for (out of no-where) becoming a significant part of my internet time :)
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    Club Blog API :D

    I know this is still pretty fresh, but it would be really cool if owners could integrate their game to TGL in such a way that news posts will automatically post to the blogs section :D
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    Game of Thrones: House Stark - Character you relate to the most

    So, this is for those that watch GoT (roll on next season wooo!), Which character from House Stark do you think is most like you? Once you have voted put up a short message just to explain why :D   Once this discussion is over, we can slowly work our way through the other houses :D
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    Mining mini-game criticism and feedback

    Hey all, I'm currently developing a virtual pet site, and today decided to revisit one of the games I started a while back (but never finished). I scrapped the old code and re-wrote from the ground up in the last few hours. The idea behind the game is that you are "Mining" for treasure, so...
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    Consoles: Gamerscore / Achievements / Trophies

    So Xbox 360 changed the Console world when it introduced Gamerscore/Achievements. Sony following shortly afterwards with their rubbish copy of it in the form of trophies. Most conversations with my friends used to revolve around who had the most gamerscore or most platinum trophies etc - they...
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    Where to find VPS Artists for future pay/owner share?

    Hi All, Not really sure where this should be posted, but I've been considering my options as far as development of my virtual pet site goes. Due to the sheer upfront cost of Art for a virtual pet site, are there artists out there who are willing to work on a promising project with the...