Search results

  1. LIZ

    Merry Christmas and happy new years everyone!!

    wishing you all a Merry Christmas and happy new years!! ^_^
  2. LIZ

    looking for a full time items artist job.

    looking for a full time items artist job. i am a fast worker and love to draw.. i have worked for rescreatu, ichumon, and other pet sites. i can get about 20 to25 items maybe more done every few weeks. it depends on when i am working. i charge $3 an item, but we can negotiate on the price. i...
  3. LIZ

    question about items shading?

    question about items shading? not sure what people like more, soft shading or hard shading. i would love everyone's impute, one or two.
  4. LIZ

    what kind of items packs would people like?

    what kind of items packs would people like? :)
  5. LIZ

    items art question

    items art question, what kind of art is most needed for a pet site? can someone give me a list of items people are looking for? thank you.  LIz
  6. LIZ

    animation... help!

    so i have a plant i want to animate and i am doing it on it works but i have save it to all the different ones, psd, sai,png ,jpg. they will not open on my SAI program. i want to learn to animate items. think it would be fun. :D plant image, she...
  7. LIZ

    how do you animate in SAI program?

    how do you animate in SAI program? i would like to learn how to animate items. i want to learn how to make items move or glow. i use SAI as my main program but i do have painter essential 5. though i am not good at using it yet. so any help would be very nice! :D
  8. LIZ

    dress up monster?

    soo ya a dress up monster. anyone interested? this is the base of the monster then there is the helmets, weapons, shields, tail guards, belts, and shoes. the monster and items are 2000x2000. i only have the outlines done, just need to color it or someone can just buy the outlines?
  9. LIZ

    Liz's post to sell art on.

    okay starting a new thread to sell art on here, items are $3.50 each. here are some examples.  toys  (copy righted to Sensipets) soups (copy righted to Sensipets) meat (copy righted to Sensipets) ice-cream (copy righted to Sensipets)
  10. LIZ

    i do not know where to put this question, so um watercolors?

    i do not know where to put this question, so um watercolors? i have been painting with them for a while but i want to get a good solid watercolor cakes. i think i am going to go with FABER-CASTELL 24/36/48 Colors Solid Watercolor Cakes Paints or Winsor & Newton Cotman Water Color Pocket Plus...
  11. LIZ

    fishing game?

    so was wondering. a fishing game? would it be worth it to make? i have like 20 sketches of fish, like packaged fish,fish with a mustache, jellyfish, flatfish and 10 items you can find like ring,tire,sock,fsh head...extra. would anyone be interested in a fishing game? and if so how big should i...
  12. LIZ

    help need smooth lines...

    can someone help me? i got a new tablet a intuos wacom and it was working great, then i downloaded the free animation program to my computer and now i tried to work on the SAI program i have. now the lines are all blocky even if i have the stability at 15. i tried the firealpaca and krita and...
  13. LIZ

    has anyone tried their hand at bead art?

    has anyone tried their hand at bead art? i am going to be making a beaded spiders for people at christmas, perfect for someone's stocking :P
  14. LIZ

    Badge/button Maker? best one for a cheap price?

    hi i want to make some badges/buttons.. what is the best one for a cheap price out there? i have soo many ideas ^__^ does anyone on here make badges? if so can you tell me about how and what you make them for? what are your favorite kind of badges do you make? 
  15. LIZ

    question do not know where to put this...about art trade.

    actually i think i will just make a homemade one ^___^ please delete this post thank you
  16. LIZ

    linkin park singer chester bennington died :(

    linkin park singer chester bennington died, it says he killed himself, so sad loved there music  :'(
  17. LIZ

    lizs art sales

    this is going to be my main post for stuff i am selling. i will update new stuff as i make it ^__^. pay by paypal only. Here is my zazzle account. ^__^ you can pm me if you want certain items drawn and i will try to draw them for you. i can not draw...
  18. LIZ

    selling critters and random items.

  19. LIZ

    mushroom city for sale.

    mushroom city.  is 2000x2000. gnome is removable. $10
  20. LIZ

    selling easter items.
