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  1. C

    Join the Marada community today - or return!

    Marapets has come back better than ever after suffering the devastating server crash back in February. A reddit topic that had significant popularity skyrocketed activity on the site and it’s definitely a place you would want to be right now! Whatever your age, the site has something to offer...
  2. C

    Marapets - Ancient Feature returns!

    The Marapets' Referral System has returned and been revamped! This is an exciting News Update for all existing members, but especially so for those of us who were here when they crashed in the first place. The system is much more efficient now and rewards based on new member activity as opposed...
  3. C

    Marketing Guide 1: Introduction to Marketing

    Marketing Guide 1: Introduction to Marketing. What will these guides be about? Hey there and welcome to my little thread here on TGL. With the recent update of the Tutorials & Guides sector of the site, I figured it'd be quite nice to create a series of guides around effective marketing...
  4. C

    Volunteer Lore Writer!

    Hey guys, Wanting to build a portfolio for my writing so looking for voluntary positions to write lore, item descriptions, NPC or world descriptions or just about any form of writing you may need. I will work for free until further notice, however I don't currently have any examples so if you...
  5. C

    Marketing Guide 1: Introduction to Marketing

    Marketing Guide 1: Introduction to Marketing. What will these guides be about? Hey there and welcome to my little thread here on TGL. With the recent update of the Tutorials & Guides sector of the site, I figured it'd be quite nice to create a series of guides around effective marketing...
  6. C

    How much would you spend on a mobile games in-app purchases?

    Until recently, I never really spend money on games for mobile however then I started playing Game of War: Fire Edition... my poor bank account. The upgrade packs increase starting at £3.99, £9.99, £29.99 and then £79.99. Well within a few hours I bought all the packs excluding the 79.99 one...
  7. C

    Opinions on a semi "open source" Game Development.

    Now I am not very experienced and may be making incorrect assumptions so do correct me if doing so here. But how would you feel about contributing to the development of an online open source game? I mean with art or programming mostly. Would it work or would styles clash too much? Each area...
  8. C

    What do/did you study?

    So what did you study at sixth form or university or college? I studied Law, History, English and Business and hated all of them so have dropped out and am hoping to do a Business Internship with recognised qualifications as of September.
  9. C

    Rant About Your Crap Day Here!

    Come here and just rant for as long as you'd like about how crappy your day has been. Has your manager been an absolute *********** in work for the last nine dreaful hours? Has your Mother In-Law been over for lunch and you already want to claw your eyes from their sockets? Have the kids ran you...
  10. C

    When will we see TES VI?

    A question which has been brimming on the minds of almost any gamer for the last four years is 'WHEN will we see the next episode of The Elder Scrolls?!?!?!'. Bethesda have been very shady on such information, however have made it clear we aren't likely to see this high-demand game for another...