Search results

  1. C

    Tablet, Mobile, Browser Pet Site Games trends?

    Hi folks,  What kind of trends do you see for this year onwards - for the pet site industry, or beyond (general gaming)? I remember that a few years back, there was a big hype about gaming moving to mobile, and sure there are a lot of games you could find in app stores.  I personally think the...
  2. C

    Looking for a new server host, any recommendations?

    .Hey guys, hope your holidays are going well. :) I have been hosting my websites via DreamHost for the last few years, yet I'm not too pleased with how much their plans are costing for both shared & VPS hosting. Also as a Canadian and paying USD, the exchange rate kinda (really) hurts...
  3. C

    How do you name things for games?

    Just a curious question! I have been working on some ideas for an adoptables site and am struggling to come up with a catchy but simple name for the game. Sometimes I like to plug some words together and mix them around, write down words related to the name in a brainstorming cloud and try to...
  4. C

    Selling a in-dev site? (Mythflow)

    Hey folks, I am interested in selling a site I was developing that I don't have time for anymore. It's a pet site called Mythflow, and I have basic programming completed (admin dashboard, login/etc), a responsive website layout for the game, a mobile app mockup layout, and the standard...
  5. C

    Canada: British Columbians Elects What Could be the First Minority Government since 1952.

    I'm not sure how many of you guys are Canadians or follow provincial election news but we just had our general election yesterday in British Columbia.  :) I don't want to share my political views, but this is certainly super fascinating for myself (and maybe others on this forum). There's...
  6. C

    Have you gone to a concert? What band did you go see?

    My boyfriend and I went to see USS earlier this year, and we have tickets booked to see Coldplay in September :)  I'm super excited for Coldplay - I used to play guitar and sing their songs. I kind of have most if not all their lyrics memorized by heart. ><  Originally I was going to tag...
  7. C

    Cadence's Commissions! (Characters + Environments)

      Cadence's Commissions Characters + Environments  My commissions are closed for the meantime, sorry! I have just gotten a big graphic design contract with a local firm, so I will be working with them as an independent contractor from now on. :) Thanks for your interest and support! 