Search results

  1. D is up for sale!

    I am interested in selling and it's assets to someone who would be interested in taking over the game. If you are interested in getting an up and running game base, please get in touch. It is developed in Laravel, version 5.7 (so recent), and is for the most part working outside of...
  2. D

    TheGamingList is up for sale.

    It is with great... anxiety that I am posting this. I started TGL shortly after VPL went offline, almost 3 years ago now. It was to keep a community of game developers, artists, and players going. To see a community continue in spite of a community place that no longer was. I hope in some ways...
  3. D

    The future of Novilar! 
  4. D

    Regarding the Marketplace and the spirit of good business practices

    I wanted to post something official, although our discord has already had this announced. TGL has a great Marketplace, where Game Owners, Programmers, Writers, and Artists can find help for their projects, or put themselves out there to land some work. It has been one our communities major...
  5. D

    Fresh paint!

    Just wanted to let the community know, if you haven't noticed already, we have some fresh paint on the forums overall. I am still tweaking it here and there. If there are any comments or issues, please do not hesitate to let me know!
  6. D

    Common art styles

    So I wanted to ask this to all of our Artists. What styles do you find to find to be in the most demand, or styles that are easily for multiple artists to generally replicate?
  7. D

    Discord Integration has arrived!

    Now you can keep your roles synced with Discord! We have added a rich discord integration to the forums, allowing you to link your discord account to our TGL discord. This will automatically not only invite you if you are not on our discord, but will also sync your roles over. How do I go...
  8. D

    Forum update, and gif reactions that count!

    First off, we upgraded the forums to the latest version of the software, no real changes to be noticed, but if you notice any errors, please report them! Also, you will now find a GIF icon in your toolbar, for when words escape you!
  9. D

    To refactor or start from scratch

    Wanted to get some input on what other programmers on here think about the arguments for/or against refactoring. There are always features that need to be reworked, or work just fine, but feel so wrong in code. Where as a developer do you feel that line is drawn as to whether refactor something...
  10. D

    Looking for Lead Artist (Director) for Novilar

    Novilar is a game in beta that has been online for roughly 3 years. I am looking to bring on board a Lead Artist, who I hope will be able to produce art, but also refine the art style moving forward. This position is paid, but I am also looking for a person who is willing to accept perhaps a...
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    Novilar: Combined updates

    I wanted to write this for a while, but felt I wanted to give it time for a little bit before I actually announced. Novilar, a site originally created by two members (one of whom is a member here, has been in development for a few years. It went on a hiatus for about a year last year. The...
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    We are now a year old!

    We are officially 1 year old as of today! It has been a wild ride, with a lot of changes, a lot of fun, and it is all possible to each and every member of this community. Without your participation in engaging in topics and the happenings here, we would simply not exist, much less grown to what...
  13. D

    Digital art and coloring

    So, maybe I could get some pointers or ideas from all wonderful creative friends! As some have read, I recently started to sketch a lot more. I am using an iPad and a Apple Pencil, using Procreate. One thing I still cannot seem to master is the art of coloring what I sketch to any reasonable...
  14. D

    Tapatalk has been enabled for this community!

    I have enabled Tapatalk for this community for those who prefer an app to their mobile browsers. I will be monitoring how used it is over time, and will consider upgrading the plan for the forums to do stuff such as reduce ads or their other features if I see this used more often.
  15. D

    How many of you are planning to start development on a new game?

    How many of you are planning to start a new game in the near future (this year)? I am curious to see how many new projects are being considered and thought about coming around the corner. @Members @Game Owner @Artist @Programmer @Writer
  16. D

    How advanced to you plan out your inventory systems?

    How advanced are your item management systems in your games? Do you usually opt for a very simple item system, or do you go for something that is more advanced (and hopefully flexible for future use)? Pro's and Cons?  @Programmer
  17. D

    What size of item image works best?

    @Artist What sizes are most often asked for in terms of items for a game? What is the common size that you see the most requests for? Just curious....  :no_mouth:
  18. D

    Odd things unique to your local area?

    What are some odd things local to your local area that you have noticed? For instance, having just relocated to Washington state from California, I have noticed they use what they call Arterials, which is a type of road that are not called such in California. Also that there are ton of...
  19. D

    Community tones and behaving in a productive way

    Hello everyone, Since the beginning of this communities existence I have been honest and open to every members opinion, popular or not. I generally will not censor anyone posts unless it is extreme and is needed. I believe in the concepts of an open community where ideas, opinions, and feelings...
  20. D

    First time here? Welcome!

    Welcome to The Gaming List, primarily virtual pet site focused, but we also discuss all kinds of different web based games, from their development, to players wanting to find new games. We encourage you to say hello, tell us just a little about yourself, and what interests you!