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    @tavsangel are you talking about teripets re-opening?
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    Aethria Update

      I'm sorry that it has taken so long to give you guys an update on progress! We've considered how the current game play has gone over with users, and identified some critical areas that require addressing in order for the site to reach its potential. At the top of the list is the deco...
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    Best Halloween Pet Designs

    I just made up some new khims for aethria.  Ink Demon Bloodborne Smoke Eater
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    Aethria invite codes!

    Aethria is now open for free accounts!  We do require that you use a registration code at this time, in order to keep the numbers of new users to a reasonable amount per day so we can evaluate the site stability.  Codes are free!  If you encounter anyone trying to sell or trade a code, please...
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    Aethria alpha account purchase details - 6:00 PM August 11

    NOTE:  There will be free accounts available once alpha release phase is complete. Account sales are set to open at 6 PM ATLANTIC time, Saturday, August 11.CHECK OUT THE SITE PREVIEW VIDEOS ON YoutubePlease note we are NOT opening the site at this time, we are opening sales of accounts so that...
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    Aethria is opening this month, and pre-sales are beginning

    This is a heads up that my new site, Aethria, will be opening some time this month!  Pre-opening account sales are tentatively set for Saturday, 11 August.  There will be more information and demo videos of the site, but I wanted to just get the word out there.  If you are interested in...
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    Aethria is Opening Soon!!

    It has been a long time coming, but Aethria is nearly ready to open for Alpha release!   What is Aethria? Aethria is a virtual world with several distinct lands with different types of pets, items and game play.  The site will open with three active lands, Khimeros Caldera, Aluriya and...
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    Aethria will be opening soon!

    Our programmer is back at work finishing up the last few programming tasks for Aethria, so we should be able to launch soon, though we don't have an exact opening date yet! We will be offering choose-your-own-account ID packages, standard alpha account packages, and pre-opening merchandise as...
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    Animal Breeding

    You sound like the old fashioned kind of breeder and we need more like you these days.
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    Animal Breeding

    Well I was going to comment but Hare basically took the words out of my mouth.  I basically second everything she says.  Also, virtual pet games are not reality.  It's pretty obvious that you can't breed a real animal once every 4 days and have it give birth in 24 hours and keep doing that for...
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    Hopefully I can get some discussion going, though I don't know how many forum goers here that will be interested :/ As some of you may remember, I bought Teripets a few years back, but didn't end up getting the site back up because of drama with previous staff/artists. I do want to include...
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    Aethria Discord Server!

    Aethria now has a discord server, come and join us! View full news
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    Calligra Map Reveal!

    Maps for the three realms - Aluriya, Khimeros Caldera and Calligra - that will be available during the Alpha phase of Aethria are now complete!  We hope you enjoy this sneak peek of the map for Calligra! View full news
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    Aethria Development Updates!

    We've been hard at work preparing Aethria for opening, and it's time to give you guys an update! Programming tasks that have been recently completed: -World Maps page has been added and individual Maps for Khimeros Caldera and Aluriya have been added to the site -Most of the Aluriya area...
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    Selling Artwork Advice?

    It's a really tough market as there are a lot of people out there looking to make money from comissions.  A lot of times artists think that their art skills alone are what will sell them, but there are a lot of other factors.  As a person who hires people to make art, I have the following...
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    Khimeros on Aethria - Map Reveal and Info!

    Couple of notes first: **All information posted as news is current as of now.  This does not mean that we may not change things in the future should staff come up with new ideas that we feel would be an improvement on our current plans!** **If you have not followed our NEW facebook page yet...
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    Important Aethria News

    Important Aethria news - if you have followed our facebook page, please follow our new page:  I had to restore my computer and then change my facebook pw and apparently to facebook this means I'm an imposter, and they kicked me out of the...
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    **News has been updated August 15** Aethria is a browser-based "Virtual World" or "Virtual Petsite" where members can create/collect "companions" (pets), engage in various site activities to gain currency and items, and create unique environments for their companions to inhabit using our "Deco"...
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    Aethria is Coming! (Inkborne, Seraphel, Teripets etc)

    **As a head's up, while this thread has been recently revived, it's an old thread and the site is actually open now, though we aren't releasing new items at the moment while we work on figuring out some post-early-beta programming tweaks** I am VERY PLEASED to be able to make this post...
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    Inkborne, Seraphel, Aluriya. What do YOU want to see.

    Some of you may remember an old site (Aluriya) that died and a couple of new sites that were being worked on (Inkborne, Seraphel) but were stymied do to lack of a programmer. Well, I'm still determined that these concepts are going to see the light of day and also that Aluriya will be revived...