Search results

  1. S

    Looking for PHP/MySQL developer

    I have given up on my main game for now, but I just have a small job (I think) if someone would like to assist. Please let me know pricing. I am reachable on Discord at Silverwulfess#7621. I currently have a database set up for a pet registry, generated via PHPMaker 2021. I need the view...
  2. S

    Looking for artist to produce realistic grayscales of horses and/or dogs

    Hi team, As above, looking for an artist to come on-board at Caniquus who can produce realistic greyscales of dogs and/or horses (happy if comfortable only doing one or the other). Please email me on [email protected] with samples and pricing. There is a lot of work to be done, coming out of...
  3. S

    Looking to hire: PHP programmer PAID

    Hi guys! I'm looking to hire a secondary programmer to work alongside my current programmer on different features. The game is a realistically based dog and horse simulation game with genetics, breeding, showing and the rest. Will be paid but would really prefer someone reasonably priced as it...
  4. S

    PGF Dynamic Image Help

    Hi guys, We are experiencing some errors in trying to get images to work via PGF. I have emailed the creator but unsure if would be within scope of support since we are modifying the script somewhat (and since the script isn't complete either). We are trying to get the dynamic images working...
  5. S

    Wanted: php programmer

    Hey guys, Third time lucky! I need someone who is committed to a LONG TERM project. I'm looking for a PHP developer for an animal breeding and showing game. I have a game which has been partially done, but still in early development, which needs other features added and finishing. It is being...
  6. S

    Pet Game Framework by Design1Online

    Anyone looked into this or use it? I see one post about it being available for a game but still see it looks to be in development. Any insight would be fantastic :)
  7. S

    Seeking PHP Programmer

    Hey guys, Sorry appears I jumped the gun with previous post, the guy I had lined up fell through in the end because he didn't want to work with someone else's code (which was one of my requirements) and I can't afford to build from scratch at a whim. Was going to update previous post but see it...
  8. S

    Seeking PHP Programmer

    Hey guys, I'm looking for a PHP developer for an animal breeding and showing game. I have a game which has been partially done, but still in early development, which needs other features added and finishing. It is on a Laravel framework, so experience with that is required. And obviously happy...
  9. S

    Post disappeared?

    I made a post on the 17th looking for a programmer but it seems to have disappeared. I can see it in my email summary along with other posts which also seem to be non existent. Is it gone for good? Why'd it disappear?
  10. S

    Does anyone have a contact for cybura?

    I have pmd him here and on his Facebook cybura page. Endless emails bouncing back. I paid us$500 for a portion of programming. He postponed the arrival time a couple of times and now emails keep on bouncing back. Tried emailing several times from different accounts over last ten days...