Will also chime in with a vote for tubes, although cakes have improved quite a bit. They just don't give the same richness and control, especially when glazing. Also, I can't imagine using all the colors in your cake set equally, which means that although you think you are paying less initially...
I saw an interesting story on a news show the other day about breeding programs in zoos.
In the US there seems to be a policy to give animals birth control if they don't want them to breed (for whatever reason). In a zoo in Copenhagen, they believe the animals should be allowed to mate normally...
PBS reported these numbers from a variety of sources:
One of those sources stated that there are "2 million infertile couples actively trying to adopt." This does not include other individuals and couples who also want to adopt.
Some other...
Abortion, for many, is morally wrong. To be asked to fund those procedures through taxes so that others can receive those services for free should not be an option. For 90% of these cases, contraception would have prevented the unwanted pregnancy; monies should be directed to greater education...
The information you cite about President Trump is from what source(s)? Much of what the press has disseminated has been twisted and biased with the sole purpose of discrediting his presidency.
There has likely never been a person elected to high office anywhere in the world whose life has been...
Video games in an of themselves do not cause people to become violent. This has been shown in numerous well-controlled clinical studies that can be projected to the general population. There is a good discussion of the topic here...
I was not a Trump supporter, but it annoys the heck out of me that people won't let a legitimately-elected public official try to do their job. Presidents are generally given a "Cinderella" period when they start, but there were groups out to disrupt his presidency from Day One. The only benefit...
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