Search results

  1. T

    Why do you play virtual pet games?

    I've played a lot of virtual pet games over the years starting with Neopets, and I think many people in this forum have as well. Despite playing them myself, though, I've often found myself wondering: What is the point of a virtual pet game?  By that I kind of mean: what does the virtual pet...
  2. T

    More free item artwork?

    @Hare and @draculaYay, I'm honored you both are interested in using these! :D Leporidae looks cute~~ I realized I hadn't actually thought of this. XD I have some online art galleries, but I'm not super active on any of them.  >.<  So I think it might be best to just credit me as Tiff...
  3. T

    Some FREE Items

    Aww, these are cute! Super nice of you to offer them up for free. :D
  4. T

    What started you in art?

    I'm just a hobbyist artist, but I started seriously trying to get better at art when I was 11 and discovered Oekakis for the first time! I remember those were a lot of fun back in the day, so I am a little sad that they're pretty much all dead these days. And nowadays, Java applets are not being...
  5. T

    More free item artwork?

    @Nate Yay, I'm super glad the items will be handy!! I'll look forward to learning more about your game. :D  
  6. T

    More free item artwork?

    Thanks for all the compliments, everyone! I'm super glad to get a chance to share some work with the community and hope they'll be useful to someone someday. :D
  7. T

    What makes a community good?

    I was curious about this since I've often heard people say that the community is one of their biggest factor in determining whether they stay on a petsite or not.  I guess for some starters, I think a good community tends to be pretty active. I think the activity level you like in your...
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    Book Lineart

    Aww, that's super nice of you! I hope it finds its way to a good home. :D
  9. T

    More free item artwork?

    I was inspired by @kami's thread where they gave away free item artwork. :D So I figured I'd give away some of my own item artwork as well?  Here's a link to the folder:  Some examples attached for a quick preview.  These...
  10. T

    Would you Rather?

    Japanese!!!! I love Japanese food. @@  Would you rather never eat meat again or never eat vegetables again? 
  11. T

    Word Association

    Pan :D