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    Netflix- The Farthest: Voyager in Space

    I've had a strong interest in space/planets since I remember.  I just got done watching a documentary on Netflix.  It was about the Voyager spacecraft that was launched in 1977.  Just hearing from the people who worked on the program, and hearing when they discovered something about the planets...
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    Word Association

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    Word Association

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    Word Association

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    Show off what you are working on

    Tehcnically not drawing..... but crochet is a form of artwork.... I've been busy making ornaments!  Here's my reindeer I made for my work party tonight for an ornament swap.  <3
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    Word Association

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    Sharing a very reliable weather radar link.... This is a good weather radar to use. It's updated constantly and you can get a better idea of what's going on than from the news channels. Good worldwide.  I use it with my local weather reports to get a better idea of what...