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  1. M

    Discord Changes & More!

    As you might have noticed recently, there has been a slight change in the colours chosen for the groups on here. This is to make your ranking pop, keeping in line with the vibrancy of our headers background, we hope you like the change. We have also added an exact copy of the ranking system...
  2. M

    Discord Changes

    As some of you may know, I recently became an admin here at TGL, so I wanted to start by doing some small changes on here. The discord had been looking a bit bare until recently, but I've added a few new categories/channels in order to help separate the various topics users might discuss. We...
  3. M

    Badge/button Maker? best one for a cheap price?

    @LIZ Depends on where you are, cause of different vat/tax laws. But if you're in the USA there is a number of places that do batch orders, say if you order 50 buttons then you can get them for $0.50 each. It works out to be pretty cheap overall and allows you to customize both size and...
  4. M

    Badge/button Maker? best one for a cheap price?

    @LIZ I hope you don't mind me asking, but what quantity of buttons were you looking to make? And what budget do you have? As very often batch ordering them can be cheaper than getting the machine and you get the option of varying sizes.
  5. M

    What platforms would you be willing to play a VPS on?

    This is a question I've been pondering for a while whilst creating my VPS Seripets, what platforms would the audience like to play on? I know for a fact that the browser on a pc/laptop would be an option for most, but I also considered phone and tablet functionality. If you were to play it on...