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    Word Association

  2. N

    The TGL Storytime: Dave's Story

    ..and realised he was in a field. He wondered..
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    The TGL Storytime: Dave's Story

    This is how it works: We will write a story together. Each post will contain the end of the previous sentence and start the next sentence. Rules: - Your post must make sense in the context of what is going on in the story. - You can do anything you want but keep it as one start and one end...
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    Would you Rather?

    I'd rather run fast cos I would sink like a log if I got into water.  woukd you rather be able to freeze time at will (ala Bernard's Watch) or be able to temporarily clone yourself at will but have full control over all doppelgängers?
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    Word Association

    Marriage! *shudder* 
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    A Question for a Question!

    Because if we lived forever, would life even be worth living?
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    Why are all the topics in this forum category questions?

    A self fulfilling hypocritical ironic topic title :-P But no, it's something I just noticed and was curious.
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    Crrrash Bandicoot on PS4

    Anyone else excited to re-live their Childhood and play this masterpiece? Looks like it's price is going to be around the £30 mark since they are allowing pre-orders (amazon) ...aaand apparently, in the last day or so it looks like it has been confirmed that North American gamers can actually...