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  1. N

    Show off what you are working on

    I have been really busy with school (main reason I haven't been able to be as active as I would have liked), and this is one of the fruits of my labor, modeled in 3D:
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    Wanted: Wordpress Coder

    Hey guys! I am looking for someone to code a wordpress theme for a one-page art portfolio. I will provide more details by message to those who are interested. This is a paid project. Thanks!
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    Show off what you are working on

    Definitely let me know how that goes! I've always been interested about the process of finding an agent. I hope it goes really well!
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    Show off what you are working on

    A time-lapse of a shopkeeper rough I am working on for @Nate's game: (posted with permission)
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    Show off what you are working on

    I reaallllyyy enjoyed this excerpt  :) I'm very picky with what I read and sometimes, if the writing is atrocious enough, I will not only stop reading the book halfway through--but I'll throw it away. Even though your story was only a fraction of your whole book it kept my attention for the...
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    Abortion and Rights under the Law

    While I'm staying out of this topic for several reasons, I would like to see some statistics for this statement. 
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     A cute online pet and avatar game with a painterly style and rpg elements!     View full game
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    Does anyone remember this game?  I used to play it every day, and even though there wasn't much to do I really enjoyed it. Does anyone know if there is a chance of the game ever coming back? Last I heard, the owner (Tyrant) was trying to sell the artwork, but that was a really long time ago and...
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    "Enter a fun community where you can adopt a virtual pet, dress up a human avatar with thousands of different clothes, and make friends on our forums! Join today to pick a pet, get a starter kit of cool items and start having fun right away! Hundreds of users are enjoying Subeta right now, why...
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    Color Choice

    @Boltgreywing Oh good! Definitely keep us posted; I'd love to check out the other color options when you have them available :)
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    Color Choice

    @Boltgreywing Oh I see. I'm just afraid that unimpaired users might not stick around long enough to find out that there even is an option for different colors. You could potentially make a button that visually impaired player COULD see in order to change their color options? I know that you...
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    Color Choice

    I agree with @Hare; I think different color options would be the best way to go. Most of your users will probably not be colorblind, so when they log in and see a color pallet that is specifically designed for colorblind people, they may be turned off. @Boltgreywing Is there a reason you are...
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    Interview With Creator of "In the Dark"!

    Matt Thompson is the creator of a Steam game called "In the Dark" that has just been Greenlit! (Check out the game here:       1. Can you tell us a little bit about the game? The most basic premise of this game is a horror...
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    True or False

    False You have flown on an airplane or helicopter.
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    Preview Thread Option?

    I was thinking that a neat option would be to have a "Preview Thread" option whenever making a new thread. I'm working on an interview right now that will have several images and maybe a video, and I think the ability to preview everything before I post it would be pretty neat; just to make sure...
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    Show off what you are working on

    Something about that style has a very Russian feel to it; I love it!
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    UNBUN: Mobile Game Preview!

    Hey guys! I have been working on a mobile game for a little while and am finally getting some programming done. This is the mock-up preview for it so far: In a few weeks I'd love to have your help with testing the first rough!  EDIT: Also, any critiques/suggestions about the art and...
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    Strange/Interesting Things You've Found //(TREE WITH EYES!)\\

    Yesterday I was at work (I work at a golf course) and was doing rounds around the grounds, just checking up on everything. There was a sweet plant smell in the air whenever I passed a certain spot, and I drove up to a tree to see if i could recognize it, and see if it was the one emitting the...
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    Looking for Game Maker Programmer

    Hi guys! I'm looking to hire a Game Maker programmer for a mobile game I am working on. Please post or PM me some examples of your GML code and any links you may have for Game Maker games you have worked on, as well as your rates and whether you charge per hour or per project. If you charge per...