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  1. B

    How does one use Facebook?

    I really don't get this whole craze behind this entire Facebook thing. I just don't understand it and some of the information out there especially the interface is kind of confusing. I know a lot pet sites use Facebook and as such I thought I give it a shot during my rebuilding effort. How...
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    Some FREE Items

    I wonder if the soap could be used in as a pet game called Soap Sliders where the object is to get your pet into the pool of water as quickly as possible. At the end of the game you get to clean them. :)
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    How does one build npc in a virtual petsite?

    I am quite curious as to how one builds an npc in a virtual petsite? Does it require certain parameters to be filled out? How does it know when it should appear and disappear? How does approve or disprove an npc loan? @Nate.Tube: Mentioned that one could use an npc to help out the bank...
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    Would users enjoy running their own bank?

    I am just curious from a virtual pet standpoint. Would users which to run their very own bank? Would users like to deal with run on the bank scenarios?
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    First Points Source

    So currently 80% of the blog is done with the blog comment section not even yet started. The blogs and blog comments or replies as they would be called will be my first revenue resources with a couple of restrictions. The blog section will also be a source of a sink as well for my virtual pet...
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    Bolts Tax system

    I just thought I try out a really strange idea for a tax system. 10 - 90 points will have a tax bracket of 30% 100 - 900 points will have a tax bracket of 15% 1000 - 9000 points will have a tax bracket of 7.5% I like a bit of help from the community since I am kind of new at this thing. I...
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    Seeking help in getting a bugged sietch visable

    I need some help with this code. Its the save state data from my video game called Dune. I need some help in repairing a sietch. 27 00 F7 02 68 27 F7 BD 00 0F FF F7 17 00 FF FF F0 F7 15 00 03 00 0F FF FF FC F7 04 00 0F F7 11 00 03 00 0F F7 03 FF C0 F7 03 00 0F FF F7 12 00 F0 00 F7 04 FF F7 04...
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    Do violent video games lead to behavior problems?

    I think it is dependent on how violent the game is and even then it is a subjective term. What might be violent for one person might not be for another. To throw my ring in the hat I have to say the most violent game of all time would have to be Phantasmagoria.