Search results

  1. K

    Where to find VPS Artists for future pay/owner share?

    Lack of funds, lack of planning, lack of time, lost passion, lack of organization, staff dropping. Probably the ultimate one would be lack of planning. That's essentially the core cause of all the sites I've been a part of failing.
  2. K

    Where to find VPS Artists for future pay/owner share?

    Appreciate the clarification :)  (Sorry for my attitude, my patience for that crowd is all but gone nowadays x'D) I'd try Deviantart's forums. I can't guarantee the person would stay on, but you might find some people nostalgic for the idea. That's really the only place I can think of.
  3. K

    Where to find VPS Artists for future pay/owner share?

    I'm sure you could find artists like that, most likely either very young or very passionate about your project, but for the rest of us, what we hear is you essentially asking for free work and we'd just turn you down. I can't help but shivver when reading this. In all respect to you, take the...
  4. K

    Quote for Front End Layout

    Note: This is not immediate work. I'm just looking for quotes for this project right now. This is also not pet site work, but for a personal website. Idea: Very simplistic layout. Ajax with in page loading, mobile friendly/dynamic. Horizontal text navigation at the top (fades with hover). RSS...
  5. K

    Do violent video games lead to behavior problems?

    I could say the same with movies and basically any media. I could also say the same about sex. Just look at how that's portrayed in our media. -_- Subject any human to anything and you can bring out just about any behavior you want. That's kind of why I find this argument pointless. We're...
  6. K

    Do violent video games lead to behavior problems?

    As much as there is a correlation with violent books and behavior problems. It's an age old argument that just changes the noun with each passing generation. I just recently read an article which mentioned a Japanese serial killer from the 80s. Police found manga (comics) in his place and the...
  7. K

    Share some of your writing

    No worries, haha. I think I found it helpful to send it out to friends or family for outside crits. Some parts I had a problem with, people actually liked, which gave me a new perspective on it. (Also goes the other way around, unfortunately, haha! Things I liked didn't go over well with others...
  8. K

    Corporate practice of overbooking

    It actually wasn't overbooked. It was just full. They had four staff on standby (who, from what I heard, missed their own flights), but since it was fully booked, they tried to get people off the plane for their employees. Definitely loads of other ways to have approached this problem before it...
  9. K

    Share some of your writing

    It sounds good so far! Very interesting :D  Best of luck getting through it! Rewriting can be tough xo But once you're through it, you have yourself a book! :D  
  10. K

    Book Lineart

    If it's free for one person, I'll take it :) I think it could've easily sold if we had more buyers. Perhaps as this forum grows, we can hopefully see a change in the market?
  11. K

    Time Lapse Item Art

    Super old, but still might be helpful to someone??
  12. K

    More free item artwork?

    Beautiful stuff! :D
  13. K

    Free Items

    Awesome! Glad you could use them c:
  14. K

    Free Items

    Thank you ^^ Was trying something different when I made that one, was pretty random XD
  15. K

    April Fools!

    Anyone seen any good April Fools jokes so far today? I posted my own on my YouTube channel and it seems to have gone over (mostly ;)) positive :D Google's was pretty great with the gnome, Maps has Pac Man, Google Japan has PuchiPuchi, Duolingo made an Emoji course, Amazon's Petlexa--just to...
  16. K

    Holiday Items (July 4th, Halloween, Etc)

    2$ each! Comes with 320x320 px layered PSD file. Chinese New Year items can have the character changed if the set is purchsed. :) Christmas set below is 4$ total!  
  17. K

    Item Tutorial (Step by Step)

    I keep finding old stuff, haha. An old item tutorial I made for a croissant :D  I also posted another thread that focused on coloring if you'd like to see a different style of shading.
  18. K

    Free Items

    Sure thing! Figured it'd be better than just having them rot away never seen again XD
  19. K

    Share some of your writing

    Thanks for sharing these :) They're good, create a nice visual for the animals ^^
  20. K

    Free Items

    (I hope this is the right place to post this xD) Found these guys deep in my old hard drive, haha. CC0 licensed for everything listed, though of course, attribution is always appreciated <3     