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  1. D

    Tips for a good staff team + moderation tips

    This is coming from someone who doesn't even have a staff team, but hopefully these tips can be useful. I might add more if suggested or if I think of any. -Staff and Moderation Tips- Be friendly! Sort of a given, but it matters so much. It's hard to have a nice and respectful userbase...
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    Pack names, random wolf generation and territory!

    I worked on wolf generation more and ended up with this: (Me refreshing my "wolf generator" page) The markings each get their own, random opacity and order to add more diversity. Also the Ivy base blends in with the den background, so lol. The art still needs cleaning, but I've decided to...
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    Coming up with new characters, what is your process?

    What I usually do for Foodbabs is I draw the pet normally, then "remix" it for the type of food I want. My egg cat, for example, I turned the yolk part into the head. For my sharkermelon, I used melon slices for the fins and the green color for the rest of the body. Not very complex, but...
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    New Art for Adult Wolf and Ranks!

    -Lineart Redux- The lineart for the wolf has been modified to look better! (old) (new. Same body, new head) The rank markings have been created as well. Here's how they look on various random wolves: (Order from top to bottom: Alpha, Beta, Shaman, Scout, Pup Sitter, Warrior, Omega...
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    Wild Souls

    Wild Souls is a wolf sim/RPG that puts you in the paws of your very own wolf! Users will be able to immerse themselves in a world they do not hold the reigns to. Follow development on the trello board! View full game
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    A "save as draft" option for the site would be nice. I realize now that it does save if you leave and come back, but I didn't know that until I accidentally closed a tab and came back to find out that my stuff was still there. This would allow for easier draft management too, if you add a way to...
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    My mysidia addons/mods are now on wordpress!

    I wanted people to still have access to my work even if they can't connect to the Mysidia Support Forum, so I've reposted them here: I've already re-posted my new dynamic images mod, and I'll be reposting my older ones as well.
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    Selling Artwork Advice?

    I'm not the best for advice, since I only get about one or two art commissions a year between deviantart, furaffinity, tumblr, and various other forums, and customers usually don't believe me when I tell them that. (~$40 from art this whole year, definitely not enough to be a full-time artists...
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    Rendering pets as layers?

    I've heard this is a pretty well-kept secret, so I might not have any luck, but how would you go about using layers for pets? (lineart, bases, markings, etc.) I've recently gotten Imagick and I'm playing around with it on my XAMMP server (Can use GD also), but I'm not really sure how to do this...
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    Other projects of mine

    (I'm not sure if this belongs here or in another board, so move it if it has to be) I've actually got quite a few projects backed up that I've been working on for a long while, though none of them are finished. Adoptables/Sim sites are relatively new ground for me (Only 2 or so years in the...
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    Idea for a wolf sim

    This is literally a thought I just had while in the bathroom, but what about a wolf sim that's "alive"? These are the ideas I had: User customizes their own wolf and starts out in a pack There a possibility for two or three users to be in the same pack together. Otherwise it is NPC run...
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    Virtual Pet Directory?

    I don't even know if people still use that site, but does anyone know how the addresses section works?  I have no idea what goes into them, or even how to use them since there aren't any proper instructions. I guess they update the stats automatically so I don't have to manually update them...
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    Real-time Needs

    Needs Update Real-time needs have finally been added to the site! Here's how it works every day: Mood - 10 Fullness - 10 Trust + 5 I also patched some holes in the code that potentially could have led to pets being generated with 0% for all needs. Other Changes Renamed Edit my...
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    $5 Pet and item bases (Shaded + PSDs)

    -Current Sets- Cat -Policy- Do not claim the artwork as your own! If you do so, you will not be able to buy anymore of my sets. You are allowed to edit! No refunds will be given; this is partially because PayPal takes tax between transactions (You wouldn't receive the full amount back...
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    Money sinks

    Money sinks are coming to the game! Sadly it will be a bit harder to hoard currency soon. The cost of pantry expansions now increase by 100 for each one you buy. Your babs will soon have real-time needs, along with a new hunger bar! This also means their health will drop if neglected...
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    Generate images without refresh

    So I'm working on an avatar system and I run into this problem. I'm using GD to generate the image, which is in it's own separate php file. In another file is where the image is called. I want it to where the user can use dropdowns to change the different layers on the image without having to...
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    Contest logic?

    I'm in the process of creating a way for users to enter their pets in contests. The idea is that they enter a pet and the contest runs on a specific day. You can only enter contests on specific days as well, to prevent sniping. The pet with the highest of a specific stat has the highest chance...
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    Forum is up!

    The site's forum is now available at As stated in the previous news post, this forum is not integrated, and you will have to make a new account to post. View full news
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    Fixed site speed

    After the move, you might have noticed excessively long load times (65+ seconds in most cases). This was due to the site still trying to call from old image paths, which significantly slowed things down. I took a while to go through the database and fix every one, but I did it, the speed should...
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    How to properly post game news?

    Do you just post straight into the section or is there a button somewhere on the game's directory page? I posted a news topic and tagged it with my site's name, but it didn't show in a purple tag like the others and isn't visible from the front page. I could barely find the edit button, so I...