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  1. D

    New video, along with smaller news

    First and foremost, a new video has been uploaded! It doesn't show much, just a quick example of how tasks work: I forgot to show it in the video, but the site won't let you complete the same task twice in one day. It also doesn't show an SP increase (because I forgot to add those 2 lines of...
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    An update of sorts

    This is more of a progress-report on how things are going under-the-hood. First off, the alpha release. It has been pushed back from the estimated "Q1 2018/late March" into "relatively soon". This vague ETA is due to the fact that the game isn't in a playable state that I feel comfortable...
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    Background sizes?

    I'll try that. I'll have to try portrait orientation too, since so far I've been using large "box" images.
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    News doesn't appear under game page

    I just noticed that the most recent news posts I've released for my game, Wild Souls and Foodbabs, haven't appeared in the "news and updates" tab of the game's page. (It does appear in game news though) I use the "+ Create" button at the top of the site to make the threads. Is this a bug or?
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    Background sizes?

    I've been having trouble finding what size fits best for a website background, where it doesn't look blurry or oddly stretched. (I have the css set to "cover" btw, but I've also tried 100%) My sites are set up so all of the content is in the center, with space on both sides to view the background.
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    Breeding system progress, AI improvements, and more!

    My last devlog in 2017! I feel like I've made great progress with the game in these 5 months, and I hope to do a lot more in the coming year. Now, onto the news! -Breeding System- For the past two days I've been working on the breeding system, which I may end up having to overhaul since the...
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    User adopt shops are here!

    A new feature is finally here! You can now create your own shop for selling your adoptables to other users! You can view the list of shops created by users at You can't buy from your own shop though, since what's the point of that? Once you manage to sell a pet, you...
  8. D

    Closed Alpha Stage 1 Roadmap

    Since this was a side project, I at first just had some simple ideas written down as was working on them without much structure as to which development stage it would be present in. (IE: the trello board) Link to Google Doc I created a document that shows exactly what features will be present...
  9. D

    New index page + contests!

    It's been a long time since the last news post. Here is what's new on Foodbabs: Our index page is no longer empty! It now has a short few paragraphs on the game's lore and stuff. A few other things are visible as well, like the updated art for the eggs (looks much cleaner than the old ones)...
  10. D

    On-site tutorial with PHP?

    This is something I've failed to find on google, since no matter what I type I always get general PHP tutorials. What I'm talking about is some sort of interactive tutorial for the pet site. When users first create an account, they might get a pop-up about how to get their first pet and where to...
  11. D

    Open Q&A!

    In order to both answer questions from the community and get some feedback at the same time, I've decided to do an open Q&A for Wild Souls! Have a question about the game? Post it here and I'll try my best to answer it! I won't be keeping a master list in the OP, so it's best to read through...
  12. D

    Question about Pet Game Item Art Styles

    I'd say it depends on who's buying. From what I've seen, art styles in pet/sim games are pretty diverse, and semi-realistic and cartoony/neopets styles tend to be used equally as often. One style isn't going to appeal to everyone, so no matter which style you decide to choose you're always...
  13. D

    Illustrations and a video!

    I painted two illustrations in FireAlpaca today, one of Ventum Collis (the moorland biome) and the other of Nigrum Montis (the taiga biome): (Hey wow would ya look at that sheep) I also created a video on youtube! It shows off the in-progress registration process, including character...
  14. D

    Coding pains

    A pretty general topic, but does anyone else get that weird sensation thing while coding for a long time?  It's not exactly a headache, it's more like a "feel-bad" sensation in your head; not unlike when struggling on a really difficult math problem.
  15. D

    Most recent topics

    The section for the most recent topics seem to have disappeared from the index since the update. There's "Join the discussion", but it shows topics from last month or before. There's a most recent section on the home page, but there isn't a way to get there from what I can see besides typing...
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    Anyone else here heard of ChoiceScript? It's basically used to make "choose your own adventure" type games, and it's beginner-friendly too. I've played around with it in the past, but never felt like making a full interactive story with it. It can have some cool uses on VPS sites though. Maybe...
  17. D

    RPG-esque online game [dev ramblings]

    While working on the sign-up process on Wild Souls, I got to thinking about the flow of the game overall. Here's how the basically goes: Standard registration stuff Choose how you would like to start a game Pup (easy mode) (free SP cost) You start in a pack and are able to...
  18. D

    Suggestion Boxes!

    First off, I got Imagick running on my server again! Now I can continue working on Wild Souls without having to look at an ugly "can't read file" error. Second, I've started some minor renovations so things are more eye-catching, that includes starting to fill in the index page: Now onto the...
  19. D

    Halloween hybrids are here!

    These are the 4 special hybrids available through breeding during the month of October. Once October has passed, you won't be able to breed for them again without a special item. Don't fret though, next weekend we have another update coming your way! Users will be able to try their luck (at the...
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    Map reveal

    Probably not final, but this is what I have so far for the world of Wild Souls, called Frekiheimr. Regions Nigrum Montis ("Black Mountain") The taiga biome. It looms over Lunam Mare and also houses the sacred Spiritus Petram. Contains the territory of the Blackridge pack...