Search results

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    Thoughts on 3d pets?

    So, I have been playing with some 3D related code lately, and wondered what the interest in a pet site where the pets were actually animated 3d versus static images? Do you think they would add to the interest or not? Here is what I have been playing with: Here is a video of the above, which...
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    What dreams are you trying to pursue with art?

    This is a topic I would love to read more. Inspiration and purpose are always fun to read about. @kami @Pepper-Head @jakdacrowe @LIZ @runeowl @atomicdrawls @Hare
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    Using Bootstrap to create a mobile friendly design

    About this Guide This guide goes over how to use Bootstrap (version 3) to develop a responsive design that works well on desktops, tables, and mobile. This assumes some knowledge of HTML and CSS. Responsive Design Concepts To understand responsive design is to change how you think about a web...
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    What guides or tutorials of a technical nature would you enjoy seeing?

    I am curious and wanted to ask our wonderful members about what types of guides or tutorials would you like to see? What topics do you wish to learn more about of a programming or coding nature? @Hare, @Dinocanid, @SilverBrick and anyone else?
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    Coming up with new characters, what is your process?

    So, I am always and continually amazed at the creative ideas presented by Artists for new pets. Usually fantasy, but even markings on regular animals can sometimes be amazing. As an artist, how do you work through a pet concept or idea, and turn that into something finished? @kami...
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    Latest trends in pet sites?

    What do you think are the latest trends in pet sites are currently? What have pet sites been doing in the past year or two that have differed or are new ideas? What do you think are some of the current trends for pet sites?
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    Pacific Northwest (US) - any suggestions?

    I will be taking a trip to the Pacific Northwest, ending up around Seattle in a few weeks, anyone familiar with the area and have any ideas on what to check out while I am up there? It is my first trip up there, so I am excited.
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    Finding guides and tutorials just got easier.

    A new guide section has been added to our navigation, in it you will find our guides and tutorials, all submitted by our wonderful members! Also, you will notice a few other small changes, forums being the homepage, with some other small things.
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    Steps to Aid in Level Design

    This is a guide to help new game designers work out how to plan and execute a level design that works. Often I found that simply trying to hop into a new level and build it based off a loose idea in my mind leads me to almost immediate failure almost every single time. It is frustrating. So I...
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    How to think about Level's by ignoring them in your Game

    How to think about Level's by ignoring them in your Game This guide is designed to introduce a concept in how a game maker can think about levels in their game, by simply ignoring them all together (at least internally). Now leveling systems in games can be simple or complex, and this is only...
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    Common Social Media Pitfalls you may encounter

    Social Media has revolutionized marketing. It gives brands direct access to engage with a diverse audience, but it comes with certain pitfalls. If your game has a frail, half-baked strategy, it'll reflect negatively on your game sooner or later. Here are few common mistakes that games make with...
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    Taking Action instead of being inactive

    "The Difference Between Success And Failure Is The Ability To Take Action" - Alexander Graham Bell Introduction The above quote by Alexander Graham Bell describes the harmful effects of Procrastination. Ask yourself the question "How far have I gone in achieving my targets for the year?" Your...
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    7 C's of Communication

    According to the 7 Cs, communication needs to be: Clear.  Concise.  Concrete.  Correct. Coherent.  Complete. Courteous. In this article, we look at each of the 7 Cs of Communication, and we'll illustrate each element with both good and bad examples. 1. Clear When writing...
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    Selling Artwork Advice?

    I know that @Pepper-Head and @kami are extremely knowledgeable in this realm, and have posted helpful advice in the past.
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    Some new paint! Same great place!

    As I am sure everyone is noticing, some new colors have been used on the forums, as well as a new logo and header background. I was beginning to feel that the old design, although clean and presentable didn't match the feel I wanted. I wanted the colors to be a little more vibrant and alive...
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    Ready to go back to school?

    This is for those members who are still completing their classes, and have been on break over summer. Ready to go back? Looking forward to it? I guess in retrospect, as a grown working adult, I kinda miss breaks. I will however enjoy when my older son gets back into the daily school thing.
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    What are working on this week in your game?

    Just curious, what goals are on your lists for this week with your games? Anything interesting, exciting, community events, etc? @runeowl @Hare @Aminirus @Pepper-Head @Regnant @SugarFoxKym @SilverBrick @Bedouin
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    Meet the Vine Sloth -- did I just say that out loud?

    Announcing a new Adoptable, now available in the store right now - for free. The Vine Sloth is part plant, part sloth, and totally slow. This fella' did not inherit any genetics that promote anything but complete laziness! Adopt your's today, and watch it grow!
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    Free Advertising for your Game!

    So I am opening up sidebar placements for advertising, FREE advertising! It will be a single spot, but open to any game owner to participate. The ads in the spot will rotate, so shared visibility across all those that participate. If you are a game owner, and are interested, please get in...
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    Who do you follow on YouTube?

    What YouTube channels (or video topics) do you regularly watch, either for educational or entertainment purposes? I know I for one follow @kami's videos. I tend to not follow actual channels normally, but instead use YouTube to learn or watch things that pass time (like timelapses).