Search results

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    What size of item image works best?

    Have you ever been asked for smaller or larger generally. Is it always a good idea to draw larger/higher dpi?
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    How advanced to you plan out your inventory systems?

    How advanced are your item management systems in your games? Do you usually opt for a very simple item system, or do you go for something that is more advanced (and hopefully flexible for future use)? Pro's and Cons?  @Programmer
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    What size of item image works best?

    @Artist What sizes are most often asked for in terms of items for a game? What is the common size that you see the most requests for? Just curious....  :no_mouth:
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    Word Association

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    Odd things unique to your local area?

    What are some odd things local to your local area that you have noticed? For instance, having just relocated to Washington state from California, I have noticed they use what they call Arterials, which is a type of road that are not called such in California. Also that there are ton of...
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    Community tones and behaving in a productive way

    Hello everyone, Since the beginning of this communities existence I have been honest and open to every members opinion, popular or not. I generally will not censor anyone posts unless it is extreme and is needed. I believe in the concepts of an open community where ideas, opinions, and feelings...
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    First time here? Welcome!

    Welcome to The Gaming List, primarily virtual pet site focused, but we also discuss all kinds of different web based games, from their development, to players wanting to find new games. We encourage you to say hello, tell us just a little about yourself, and what interests you!
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    Can anyone recommend a good tablet to look at purchasing?

    @chutkat I will have to check it out. So far I have tried adobe sketch, and sketchbook. Both seemed somewhat equivalent to procreate, but none felt better.
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    Can anyone recommend a good tablet to look at purchasing?

    Thank you, it is mostly just me fiddling without too much attention to any specific detail. I have not sketched in many years (since middle school), so it has been a process of re-learning that on top of learning to do it digitally. I have enjoyed it, although I find the pencils pressure...
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    Word Association

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    Can anyone recommend a good tablet to look at purchasing?

    I wanted to update you all. I got an iPad for my birthday/xmas present this year, and have been fiddling with it. I was lucky enough to get the Pencil also, which actually has made it easier. I am still very much getting used to it and sketching again in general, especially as you can tell...
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    What artistic or creative goals are you going to accomplish in 2018?

    What type of items? How have your goals been going so far? Nooo! More goal-chasing, less chips. Well, more goal-chasing while eating chips. You can balance it! How is your schedule working out for you so far this year? I struggle with anatomy as well in what I do draw (which is little to be...
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    Word Association

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    True or False

    False, I enjoy bland foods. You try to get as much alone time as possible.
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    Word Association

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    What cool things can we see in your games in 2018?

    Whether it is launching your game, adding new cool features, or even just fixing up a section of your game, is 2018 the year of your game? What neat things development wise are you looking to accomplish this year? @Game Owner
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    What artistic or creative goals are you going to accomplish in 2018?

    So, what are you planning to accomplish with your art or creative writing in 2018? Looking to try new techniques, styles, or looking to get a few projects from last year done? @Artist
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    Word Association

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    Word Association
