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  1. P

    Neopets Turns 18!

    Can you believe it? The pet site most of us started on and grew up with is now 18! Despite this milestone, nothing extra special was released so far this week (except for a free NC Mall goodie bag), but they are gearing up for their first plot in years that should happen any day now. Jumpstart...
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    Can we talk about Digit the mascot?

    I noticed this little friend on the homepage and they are so cute!  :love:   I'm totally going to draw some fan art when I get a chance. 
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    What artists do you admire?

    Oh goodness, the lists are too long to name them all! I'm constantly getting shown great artists so that I can pour over their works and analyze their treatment of light, color, composition, etc. Simon Stalenhag is one of my favorites to look over. On his website, he'll post little zoomed in...
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    Neopets: 5th & 6th Pet Slots!

    This long requested feature is now a reality! Also if you haven't been keeping up on Neo lately, there's a battle-related plot (an actual plot!) set to start around November.
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    Badge/button Maker? best one for a cheap price?

    I think @SingSong really hit the nail on the head with all that info! I got my button maker a few years back on eBay. I remember it being really hard to get one within my price range, since they were in hot demand (probably still are haha!) I think I lucked out and bought mine for about $80 (I...
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    Instagram for art?

    @runeowl Followed!  I'm :D  
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    Selling Artwork Advice?

    @Aminirus I wish I could offer more advice, but I've only just been starting! Right now, I'm just trying to establish myself on social media. I only just started to get serious on dA and Twitter & very recently made a new Instagram and Tumblr. I'm trying to figure out how each platform...
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    ArtFight 2017

    @kami - Yeah, I heard about it last year, but didn't have time to participate D:  Finally was able to start on revenge for those who drew for me already! I hope to have some more done tonight c: 
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    ArtFight 2017

    Is anyone participating in Art Fight this year? It's basically a month-long team vs team art trade battle. :D I'm waiting for my next day off work to buckle down on returning attacks and sending out some others, but here's my art fight if you wanna link me yours too...
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    Creative Forum?

    Often I find myself wanting to post art or creative related threads that isn't a guide... but it also doesn't fit in the marketplace. Throwing it in off-topic or entertainment just doesn't seem to fit, either. I know there's the gaming development forum, but I have had a few ideas that aren't...
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    TNT Increases its Communication + Jumpstart Buyout

    During the month of June, Neopets had their annual Altador Cup (which Kiko Lake won again after winning last year). From feedback, they tried a new scoring and cheater detection system. It wasn't all successful, but the new Neopian Times editor, Scrappy, has really made an effort to answer...
  12. P

    Photobucket Update: $400 To Restore Broken Links

    I don't know if anybody uses or has used photobucket in the past, but here's an important update for you all. Photobucket recently updated without warning, disallowing third party hosting ((which is basically what photobucket was built around)). Any images uploaded to photobucket and linked...
  13. P

    What are your thoughts on E3 2017?

    I'm surprised there hasn't been a thread about this yet! What did you think of this past E3? (This isn't the prettiest list, but it seemed to be the most complete summary for all platforms. Be sure to check on Youtube for trailers!) Since I don't own a Switch or XBox, I'm really excited for...
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    Color Choice

    Thank you for that! Hmm, I still think there should be more white or light gray or something, and less of a reliance on color. Do you have an example of how this layout would look like on a content page? (explore page, my pets page, etc)
  15. P

    Color Choice

    @Boltgreywing I know you've posted about this challenge with palettes before, but I don't remember why you're only working from 27 colors? Is it specifically for people with colorblindness? I did some googling to try and understand it better. This article seemed to imply it was more about...
  16. P

    Summer Art Improvement Goals

    Thanks @Digital! If you ever find time to pixel or try drawing, you're welcome to post it here <3  @Elm The summer can feel very short when you have a lot to focus on! What were you planning to improve on?  Thank you so much @Nate , I couldn't agree more ^^
  17. P

    Summer Art Improvement Goals

    Hey everyone, with my schedule now opened up for summer break - I have a LOT of catching up to do with my art to get it where I want it to go. I figured I'd make this post so you can keep me accountable join in if you also have something art-related you'd like to learn or improve on! Critique...
  18. P

    Building a following as an artist, advice and guidance?

    I think it's important to post quality content frequently. Fan art can usually get more attention, because it's interest related. But honestly, this is something I'm still trying to figure out for myself. I know in many cases it's a lot about marketing yourself rather than just skill (though...
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    Word Association

    Bioluminescent slug!
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    Word Association
