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  1. K

    How to organize database for large number of pets?

    What would be the best way to structure a database so that users can have large numbers of pets, especially when you have stats attached to individual pets?  I could see this getting really unwieldy over time and would love to learn strategies for handling this in a scaleable way.
  2. K

    Dragon Lord - Jackalope Hunting Festival

    Jackalope Hunting Festival!Every spring the jackalopes overbreed, and it is up to the Dragon Lords to reduce the population and keep the ecosystem of our world healthy. You will find jackalopes not just in the area around Hatchery Lair, but all over the map! Each jackalope you kill will add to...
  3. K

    Show off what you are working on

    I'm working on NPC art for my RPG game Dragon Lord.  Here is Shinies the Raven, who gives out a daily quest to collect a shiny for him:
  4. K

    Show off what you are working on

    I made some pixel pets for my game Dragon Lord for the holiday festival.  While play testing I found one when I was exploring.
  5. K

    Free art pieces, or always going to get paid?

    The only art I've given away for free is to friends and family, and usually that's some of my traditional practice pieces or crafts.  I currently have no time to do a lot of art because I'm in college and working, but all my digital art has been going into making my own game art.  I have very...
  6. K

    Show off what you are working on

    I'm making pet icons for the pet system in my rpg browser game.  This is my first time making pixel art.  I bought Aseprite on sale on Steam, and it really does make creating pixel art so easy.  Here's my very first one that I just made this morning, which is now on the alpha test site of my game:
  7. K

    Show off what you are working on

    Today I added some hover boxes on the main page of my game to give tooltips for some of the options that players first see once they create an account and login.  I've had a few people register for my alpha test, but so far no one has actually played or leveled up, so I thought maybe people are...
  8. K

    Show off what you are working on

    I thought I'd show avatar art that I made using a hybrid of traditional and digital art for my old school RPG game.  In trying to keep with the archaic feel of being old school, I'm experimenting.  I have an NPC that also sketches (will eventually be responsible for all the art on site) but I'm...
  9. K


    Ovipets is a pet game focused on genetics and breeding! In OviPets, you and your friends will be able to research new species, splice eggs with new mutations which can then be passed on to their offspring along with their colors and other genetic traits, and raise and care for pets in all the...
  10. K

    Draconis Theory

    In times of Yore there lived a Mythical Creature whose magical powers and strength were legend. Dragon was his name and he was feared by many. Was he good, or was he evil? Was he noble and wise or full of wrath and vengeance? Enter the world of the Dragon and find out. Draconis Theory is...
  11. K


    Magistream is a pet game that has been around since 2006.  It features beautifully detailed pixel art; growing stages with egg, hatching, and adult; and hybrids that can only be acquired through breeding mixed species.  You can also receive special unique pets from quests and holiday events. ...
  12. K

    Pixel art & VP games

    I've taken it upon myself to collect the very ones you are talking about.  It's the first 50 or so creatures in the Bestiary that have the extra art.  I'm guessing it was difficult for them to keep up with doing that, so newer creatures no longer have it, but a lot of the newer creatures has...
  13. K

    Pixel art & VP games

    I think nostalgia is definitely bringing a lot of people back to old school type games.  There is some really beautiful pixel art out there.  If you want to check out a pet game with really gorgeous pixel art, check out Magistream.   Edited to add an example: 
  14. K

    RPG opinions

    I'm developing an old school text based PBBG based on players being dragons, so I definitely don't think just because something is old, it's died out.  Just as 8 bit games came back in a nostalgia craze, any of the old school type games including forum role play games will always have a crowd...
  15. K

    How soon is too soon to open an in development game?

    Should an Alpha version be released so players can give feedback while a game is developing (assuming you have something that is playable, stable, and secure), or is it better to wait until something is more polished?  I've seen so many gamers complain and give bad reviews about games in an...
  16. K

    Digital art versus physical art.

    @jakdacrowe I think I like the traditional/digital hybrid you have there.  That has a depth that the straight digital one doesn't have.
  17. K

    Can anyone recommend a good tablet to look at purchasing?

    I'm currently using a tablet/laptop hybrid that comes with integrated Wacom technology.  While new versions of my tablet laptop would cost a grand or two, the older models are pretty cheap on ebay.  My first tablet was a Bamboo which was clunky for me, but then I bought my first hybrid tablet...
  18. K

    Digital art versus physical art.

    Most of my finished and view-able art is traditional because I started before the digital revolution (I'm a little bit aged, LOL).  I have a lot of digital works in progress that I just haven't finished yet, a lot of it being for my own browser based game that I've been developing (non-pet...