Recent content by Martyn

  1. M

    Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas to All ?

    Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas to all members of TGL! ✨ May it be a good one for all of you. ✨ 2020 has been a very hard year for many of us, with people losing family members to losing their entire livelihoods, so it may be a relief to many that with the vaccine now available and 2021...
  2. M

    items art question

    @LIZ Sure, I'll just drop them below this message. ?  
  3. M

    items art question

    @LIZ Item Tutorial for Daelune by Elz-Art, it's a bit old now but her style is one I've always regarded highly and I think maybe looking at some of her other works could be useful. I could always provide you with items she did for me as reference points too, of course only if needed. ?
  4. M

    items art question

    @LIZ Shoot, I'm so sorry LIZ. I didn't get your reply and had to forgot to even send you the tutorial. Do you still want me to send you a link to it? I'll see if I can find it for you if you do!
  5. M

    Show off what you are working on

    Great pieces of art from both of you guys. ✨?
  6. M

    How did you find your team?

    Back when I was working on Seripets between 2009 an 2014 I often found people through mutual friends, virtual pet site forums and DeviantArt. This applies to admins, moderators, programmers, artists and writers. It's an all encompassing way of finding people. Currently I don't have an active...
  7. M

    The Coronavirus Outbreak (COVID-19)

    So as many of you might've seen around the world, there is a virus called COVID-19 (also simply known as Coronavirus) which is causing a massive problem for the world in terms of the health of the general population but also an economic issue which almost certainly will have a lasting effect on...
  8. M

    Show off what you are working on

    @jakdacrowe God, these are really well done. ? How much would it set someone back if they were to commission you for one of these?
  9. M


    @tavsangel I think the person who'd be able to give you an update would be @Onyx. Hopefully he'll have news for you!
  10. M

    items art question

    @LIZ That's a really good book, Elz is a friend of mine and a very talented artist. You could use some of her works as a guide for the level a lot of people like! ?
  11. M

    items art question

    @LIZ There used to be quite a community on DeviantArt for art tutorials relating specifically to items. Once I'm home tonight I'll go try and find some of the ones I remember for you. ?
  12. M

    A Little Announcement

    Hello everyone, Martyn here with a little announcement for you all. Some of you may have already noticed whilst other might not have, but @Digital has been looking to sell TGL onto another person in order to manage the upkeep of the place and luckily someone has taken him up on that chance...
  13. M

    Music & it's place in Virtual Pet Sites (and other games)

    I'd like to start a discussion about if people feel music should be or shouldn't be used on Virtual Pet Sites or any of the other types of games associatied with the genre (as in Adoptables, Mobile Games, RPGs & SIMs). So here I go and try that I guess, lol. As a musician myself I've...
  14. M

    Sortie's Sketchbook

    @Sortie Ah yes, I thought I knew the style you do from somewhere. I knew you under the name Erde, gosh it's so nice to see you on here. ?
  15. M

    Sortie's Sketchbook

    @Sortie Not gonna lie, as soon as I saw the carrot-like item at the start of the topic I thought to myself that your style looks like the one Lurapets had, did you do work for them at all? I really like what you've shown so far though, you've got a really nicely defined look to your items!