Recent content by atomicdrawls

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    Art Packs For Sale

    A pack of halloween themed items for sale. The whole pack is $10USD for five items with a fully customizable PSD file that you can use to recolor for different combinations. All of the items come on one PSD file, you buy full rights to all items included in the pack. Please mail me if you are...
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    Show off what you are working on

    I'm working on a human avatar base for the open marketplace. There will be several premade feature options, several hair options that would work for both male and female avatars. I may make some basic clothing items, but it all depends on what the demand is like. I have to figure out how I'm...
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    Animal Breeding

    @Anoua Personally I don't agree with your view that humans are above animals, that has a lot to do with my personal beliefs obviously (Agnostic leaning toward Atheist here). I can respect that we think differently, but I believe there's a fundamental lack of compassion in that sort of view, and...
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    Human Avatars?

    I'm asking this question for my own research purposes. It contains several parts. Firstly: How do you feel about games that include human Avatar features? Subeta and Gaia did it first obviously, but when a game chooses to include a feature like this do you love it or hate it? Do you feel that...
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    Show off what you are working on

    Uuuugh I always crush on closed species. I have a problem. Darn it. Well someday maybe I'll have the extra $75 for a FTO sale, or get lucky (ha!) and find someone getting rid of a design for cheap.. but for now I'll just sit quietly, wanting. Lol Absolutely lovely drawing though.
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    Show off what you are working on

    @jakdacrowe I love these, at some point when you open commissions and I actually have money I'd love to get something from you. I'm loving the way you stylize the shading. And I'm not sure what the species of that top critter is but I love it and I want one.
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    Show off what you are working on

    Dang I always love seeing what you post. Your art is phenomenal, Jakda.
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    What artistic or creative goals are you going to accomplish in 2018?

    Haha, yep. Watching it right now with my girlfriend as I type. Love those fricking dorks. It's totally my guilty pleasure show. I've got problems managing my time, mainly because I work 40+ hours a week, most days either 8-12 hour shifts, and once I'm home I can barely motivate myself to take...
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    What artistic or creative goals are you going to accomplish in 2018?

    I have so many unfinished projects. Currently writing some trash Fanfics to chill my Overwatch obsession and I've got too many things piled up as far as personal art. I feel like all I ever work on anymore is projects for other people. -sigh- I suppose I'd like to work on getting myself a tablet...
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    Show off what you are working on

    I've been working on my painting skills, obviously I'm still learning. This is a WIP and still needs a lot of detailing, etc. Lol Any critiques would be appreciated. 
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    Atomic Commissions

    I'm looking for some quick commission work to help me raise some funds. My kitty is in need of some dental extractions, poor thing. I have examples at and also on my tumblr, Some examples from there include: I'm also willing to...
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    Show off what you are working on

    I have a few things I'm working on, but most recently I've been doing some drawings for my girlfriend. The first is a 76 dakimakura. Can't show a full because it's a dirty one, lol. And second is a quickie of her siren character Sidore. Obviously I welcome any criticism you may have.
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    Selling Art Sets

    I'll be putting various art sets here for sale.  Veggie Basket Set $10 You get 9 items for $10. All items are capable of being re-colored. All files are sent in a zipped folder for your convenience. I generally charge $2.50 for each item so this is a great deal.
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    Atomicdrawls Art

    I'm currently looking for a part-time art position, working with either Pet Art, Backgrounds, or Item Art.  My examples can be found at, or my carbonmade profile,  I would prefer to work monthly, if not...