Recent content by Angel

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    Where Do You Work?

    @Bingo Since you mentioned you're doing art jobs on a gamedev forum, I supposed you were a game artist and was able to pay your bills even with part-time freelance. This isn't a profession which pays you only the minimum wage even when you're a junior game artist. Game art jobs actually fall...
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    Where Do You Work?

    Why would you spend your time on an unqualified job? Unless art is just your hobby and you don't plan to become a game artist and turn it into a full fledged job, you need to direct all your efforts and time into improving your skillset and making your name in the industry.  Maybe invest in art...
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    What size of item image works best?

    4x real size or more. If an item is going to appear at 100px, the sources need to be at least 400px.
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    Animal Breeding

    Don't mix real life and games. Even a 2 y.o. child understands the difference. You can go very, very far this way. Why stop on animals? Controlling a human character is pure slavery. Making your characters endure damage and deaths for your fun is severe and cynical torturing. And players who...
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    Background sizes?

    There can't be one image and one css rule for all cases. Use separate properly resized and resampled images made for most common resolution breakpoints, and set them to cover so they are also good for everything in between. Don't forget about portrait orientation and 2x (and if possible 3x as...
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    help need smooth lines...

    1) If you're on Win, try reverting your OS to a restoration point made back when everything was working fine. This will help for sure if this is a software problem. 2) Try uninstalling the driver and then installing its latest version from scratch.
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    Pixel art & VP games

    Pixel art is great for certain tasks. Namely it allows to animate characters easily. Current VP games don't provide animation or possibility to control a character, so there's no specific reason to use it there.  @CuddlySpider Let me disagree. Pixel art is extremely popular today. It's...