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Silverbrick/fazz DO NOT HIRE


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AS Im pretty sure hes going to see this/get upset...Im going to just say this right now. YOU DONT SCARE ME SILVER. Its not defamation if its the truth-
This is gonna be long as theres alot to get through here... Lets just say it all ends with him basically blackmailing me with my own information and threatening to sue me for Defamation (I informed my server what happened- will give that screenshots at the end.) and sending the cops to my house..fun.

I hired Silverbrick/Fazz to help me finish work on my petsite  And at first it was going okay... I was trying to be trusting you know? I cant code so clearly someone who does knows a bit more than me. So we worked on some small things like layout changes/fixing the site a bit.  Or rather He worked... and didnt let me input any ideas or have him make my site how I wanted....
because my ideas/input were pissing him off. (note some of my screenshots say "blocked messages" because I took them after he got blocked, I also made all the images links due to the fact that there are ALOT of them.)

Even though before he started working for me he was asking for Ideas!

He was argumentive about me doing anything on my own site- (like attempting to fix something he couldnt fix cuz he said it wasnt in the code... WELL IT WAS and I fixed it after I fired him...) Again I trusted his judgement so I figured okay not in the code must be images- and I know how to do that part....Ive been adding pet addons for years now...

Nope had to argue and INSIST I let him upload the images cuz I probably did it wrong...
Then he was like OKay well Let me just erase everything! (that seems to be his answer to EVERYTHING cuz thats what he did to my forum and some other files...-we'll get into that later..)

The admin control panel was apparently broken? (Again I was still trusting him here) So he deleted it and reuploaded it...Removing all my things/addons that Dinocanid had done for me..And even accused Dinocanid of breaking the acp... Sorry I dont think so..


He kept insisting that I cant use the Editor I want due to "people being able to hack it" Now I dont really know if this is true but it sounded pretty far fetched...he also wasnt a fan of explaining ANYTHING...like why he couldnt add this..or anything to me...and then hed get annoyed when I'd ask..(this "Surely you're being dramatic" statement is mentioned by him later so keep that in your brain for a bit)



I had just gotten back fro taking my guinea pig  to the vet around the time of the last three and this one  (it was not good news and I was upset)


he then continued to not even listen to me and started suggesting IDEAS ON HOW TO MAKE HER BETTER...Like the vet doesnt know!

After this we got back to work... And he had moved stuff on the trello board into the phases he was going to work on...I wandered through it- I was the boss after all- and noticed that there wasnt much in those phases...I had paid him $50 for phase 1. It was going to be $50 for phase 3 and $50 for phase 3. So I was going through the to do board to see if maybe he missed anything... And he argued with me a bit about that too- about what I wanted on my site and was paying him for. This is also whre I learned he doesnt know how to do cron jobs or Java. Even I know how to /sort of/ do cron jobs and I cant even code!



Then he attempted to guilt trip me about all the work he had been doing- when I told him from the beginning that he didnt have to do it all so fast and I wasnt in a hurry...


And continued to try to send "fixes" for my guinea pig Even after asking him to stop. (and while I was slightly appreciative at the time for his attempts I was not in the mood)


After this we said goodnight.

The next day he comes to me about my phrase "surely your being dramatic..." (told you to keep that in your mind) joy..saying about how I DEMORALIZED him. This is where it all broke down and I got fed up. (this was also BEFORE I noticed he broke the site -more on that a little later- Im going chronologically)



Also more guilt tripping

He got upset with me about bringing personal matters to staff... then two minutes later asks about my family!

These next ones are after I fired him (he had made a Atrocity /work on the site chat for me him and bayo- and I fired him on there- unfortunately he deleted it so I only have some of those messages.)



.. At this point he kept begging to get back into my site to FIX his mistakes... which were:

~My adopts page was missing.
~My inventory didnt work.
~Files were deleted and moved.

I had been checking out the new theme he made and was clicking pages- I went to adopts- it didnt work as it should- so I went into the acp to check things out- because I do know where certain files SHOULD BE. and adopts was gone... and there were other files in the trash. I went to check out inventory.php and Inventoryview and they were the ACP files...the originals completely missing- thats not easy to screw up.. So this is us arguing over that after he had been fired..I ended up uploading an old backup I had and deleting everything he had done- while he decided to comment and try to fix it cuz he "didnt like Allegations" They arent allegations if they're true.

here ya go-














This is where he starts threatening me with my personal info. He originally had my full phone number in the chat before deleting it.. info I NEVER gave him. he also probably didnt know I got a screenshot of him threatening to call the cops to my house..;)



Here are a few other random proofs/informationals..

This is the 'defamation' he threatened to sue me for- 

This is him telling me he was broke and needed money at the beginning before I hired him...makes 4k a month my ass- 

And heres to prove that Fazz is in fact silverbrick


So in conclusion dont hire him he isnt professional, hes argumentive and has a hard time having a 'boss' He demeans and belittles you and if you value your money and your sanity/safety just dont do it.

Edited by Ittermat
EDIT 2: Fix some repeating links --Covered certain identifying information and removed the extra space after the post lol sorry
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On 4/17/2020 at 8:04 AM, Ittermat said:

AS Im pretty sure hes going to see this/get upset...Im going to just say this right now. YOU DONT SCARE ME SILVER. Its not defamation if its the truth-
This is gonna be long as theres alot to get through here... Lets just say it all ends with him basically blackmailing me with my own information and threatening to sue me for Defamation (I informed my server what happened- will give that screenshots at the end.) and sending the cops to my house..fun.

I hired Silverbrick/Fazz to help me finish work on my petsite  And at first it was going okay... I was trying to be trusting you know? I cant code so clearly someone who does knows a bit more than me. So we worked on some small things like layout changes/fixing the site a bit.  Or rather He worked... and didnt let me input any ideas or have him make my site how I wanted....
because my ideas/input were pissing him off. (note some of my screenshots say "blocked messages" because I took them after he got blocked, I also made all the images links due to the fact that there are ALOT of them.)

Even though before he started working for me he was asking for Ideas!

He was argumentive about me doing anything on my own site- (like attempting to fix something he couldnt fix cuz he said it wasnt in the code... WELL IT WAS and I fixed it after I fired him...) Again I trusted his judgement so I figured okay not in the code must be images- and I know how to do that part....Ive been adding pet addons for years now...

Nope had to argue and INSIST I let him upload the images cuz I probably did it wrong...
Then he was like OKay well Let me just erase everything! (that seems to be his answer to EVERYTHING cuz thats what he did to my forum and some other files...-we'll get into that later..)

The admin control panel was apparently broken? (Again I was still trusting him here) So he deleted it and reuploaded it...Removing all my things/addons that Dinocanid had done for me..And even accused Dinocanid of breaking the acp... Sorry I dont think so..


He kept insisting that I cant use the Editor I want due to "people being able to hack it" Now I dont really know if this is true but it sounded pretty far fetched...he also wasnt a fan of explaining ANYTHING...like why he couldnt add this..or anything to me...and then hed get annoyed when I'd ask..(this "Surely you're being dramatic" statement is mentioned by him later so keep that in your brain for a bit)



I had just gotten back fro taking my guinea pig  to the vet around the time of the last three and this one  (it was not good news and I was upset)


he then continued to not even listen to me and started suggesting IDEAS ON HOW TO MAKE HER BETTER...Like the vet doesnt know!

After this we got back to work... And he had moved stuff on the trello board into the phases he was going to work on...I wandered through it- I was the boss after all- and noticed that there wasnt much in those phases...I had paid him $50 for phase 1. It was going to be $50 for phase 3 and $50 for phase 3. So I was going through the to do board to see if maybe he missed anything... And he argued with me a bit about that too- about what I wanted on my site and was paying him for. This is also whre I learned he doesnt know how to do cron jobs or Java. Even I know how to /sort of/ do cron jobs and I cant even code!



Then he attempted to guilt trip me about all the work he had been doing- when I told him from the beginning that he didnt have to do it all so fast and I wasnt in a hurry...


And continued to try to send "fixes" for my guinea pig Even after asking him to stop. (and while I was slightly appreciative at the time for his attempts I was not in the mood)


After this we said goodnight.

The next day he comes to me about my phrase "surely your being dramatic..." (told you to keep that in your mind) joy..saying about how I DEMORALIZED him. This is where it all broke down and I got fed up. (this was also BEFORE I noticed he broke the site -more on that a little later- Im going chronologically)



Also more guilt tripping

He got upset with me about bringing personal matters to staff... then two minutes later asks about my family!

These next ones are after I fired him (he had made a Atrocity /work on the site chat for me him and bayo- and I fired him on there- unfortunately he deleted it so I only have some of those messages.)



.. At this point he kept begging to get back into my site to FIX his mistakes... which were:

~My adopts page was missing.
~My inventory didnt work.
~Files were deleted and moved.

I had been checking out the new theme he made and was clicking pages- I went to adopts- it didnt work as it should- so I went into the acp to check things out- because I do know where certain files SHOULD BE. and adopts was gone... and there were other files in the trash. I went to check out inventory.php and Inventoryview and they were the ACP files...the originals completely missing- thats not easy to screw up.. So this is us arguing over that after he had been fired..I ended up uploading an old backup I had and deleting everything he had done- while he decided to comment and try to fix it cuz he "didnt like Allegations" They arent allegations if they're true.

here ya go-














This is where he starts threatening me with my personal info. He originally had my full phone number in the chat before deleting it.. info I NEVER gave him. he also probably didnt know I got a screenshot of him threatening to call the cops to my house..;)



Here are a few other random proofs/informationals..

This is the 'defamation' he threatened to sue me for- 

This is him telling me he was broke and needed money at the beginning before I hired him...makes 4k a month my ass- 

And heres to prove that Fazz is in fact silverbrick


So in conclusion dont hire him he isnt professional, hes argumentive and has a hard time having a 'boss' He demeans and belittles you and if you value your money and your sanity/safety just dont do it.

I am going to look into this case as an independent body to see if this case has any merit. Though one thing does stand out to me is that you are using a long set of words that are all in uppercase. That is known as shouting madam and is not very nice. I am going to go through each of these discord posts and see what Silverbricks side of the story is. You presented yours and now its time for me to what he says in this matter.


Now in this chat fazz is asking what feature should the game have to make it playable. What he is asking is what feature do you have that makes it worthwhile for users of various different skill types to play. For example what do you provide for new members to wet their feet on while keeping the more advanced players entertained.

Now what I can see from this post is that you are already shouting at him and he has done nothing to you. Based on the spelling mistakes that you are throwing out on this first post my guess is that is close to midnight maybe later.




Now lets move on to the next post. In this post here Fazz is asking for you to send him the images on discord so he can have a look at them.

You said Why? I know how to do the pets area of it. Fazz is not being argumentative towards you. All he asked for is a simple request which you simply ignored which you ignored. This led Fazz to say gibberish because you are not listening to him.



Now this continues even further.

You said just with the lines/color moved over like...barely thats all. You will see no noticable difference.

Again more spelling mistakes.

Fazz is starting to get annoyed at you because you are still not listening to what your coder is saying. Which leads him to say you are not squeaking cooperating with me.

You then respond with there they are see? Which again means you are not listening to him.

Which then leads Fazz in frustration to say he will upload them himself.

From what I can see right now Fazz is not the one being argumentative but your are.



Now we step a bit further into things here.

Fazz says those lines won't get removed because those pets are already generated and their images are saved. What he means is just because the pet has been changed by what you did doesn't mean that it is changed in the database.

To which you respond with I know that... Geez Im not an moron XD.  Again spelling mistake plus you think this is some kind of joke and are not taking it seriously. You continue with I was in the adopts area where it creates a new one to check. How do you think I check when I add new addons?

From what I can tell it sounds like you are a lot younger then you actually are. I recon maybe 10 years old perhaps less.

Fazz wants to fix the bug but you are ignoring him and not letting him.

You then say I thought it might be something in the code I didn't see.

Fazz again is annoyed a bit by you not listening to him.

Which leads him to ask can I wipe out all the pet images and adopts?

Again he is not being the arguementive one but you are.



Lets move on to this next one.

Fazz mentions that he needs to fix admincp again and all the modifications which have been done to it might need to be removed.

You ask what do you mean?

To which he responds with admincp is crashing the whole site when we click content or any other options. This is a very major bug you have going on here and is something that needs to be fixed right away.

You then ask what will we lose whne you do that? That meand youll have to put it all back on. Again more spelling mistakes.

Fazz then says we will lose nothing.

To which you say okay will you put the stuff back?



Let see where this next set of events go.

Fazz says but any other coder may have broken it.

To which you litterally threw dinocade under the bus by saying it was dino lol. Again you think this some kind of amuzing joke. I will assure you this is no laughing matter and this turn of events is getting very old very fast.

Fazz then asks what was he trying to do with acp?

To which you say battling

Fazz then responds with why didn't you tell him to fix it back... don't want someone to go breaking your game. I will fix it anyway.

To which you say lol. Again you think this is kind of funny joke. It is not funny and it was not funny the first time you said this. I am kind of questioning if this is worth my time going through the rest of these posts but from what I can tell it seems that you are at fault in this. Fazz did not accuse dinocade breaking things, you were the one that threw him under the bus so you are kind of responsible for that, not Fazz.



So moving on and this turn of events descends even deeper.

You say hes not atm hes busy. however its letting me MAKE new stuff. So I guess I'll just have to edit in PHPY my admin for now. Also why don't you use CSK editor? for the private messaging/forum posts. Again more spelling mistakes and you start shouting at him yet again and he hasn't even done anything and you suggest him to use CSK editor.

To which Fazz says find something modern.

And you respond with this. Er CKE. I don't mind CKE though? I kinda like it. Clearly ignoring what he is saying. A modern one would be the built in one that comes with ubuntu linux.

Fazz then responds with if you want your game hacked up, I will add it in. Should i? When your coder is telling you there is a potential hacking problem with said tool he knows probably a bit more about internet security then you do.

Just to prove a point here is a youtube video on how to hack the CKE editor.

I don't like where this is headed.



Moving on to the next one.

Not taking this seriously you respond with surely your being dramatic.

To which Fazz responds with haha joking lol :/ It has flash in editor which is depreciated by upcoming browser. I hope you got the answer okay and it allows you to use div containers with CSS. Your coder is not being dramatic but is actually being very serious about these problems.

To which you respond with Sorry I got an email that I had to laugh at. Idiots and okay thats a better explanation. Again you are not taking this seriously as was mentioned that flash is going away that is one of the points your coder is trying to make is that it won't be usable anymore in the upcoming years. Any coder worth his salt will tell you relying on flash being around and potential hacks with an editor is a bad idea. Also what does this email have to do with the conversation at hand? It does nothing to help things.



Lets see where this thing is going.

Fazz then says if CKE was a safe hall of famer I would already have added it to the private message reply system. I hope you can understand it now. btw I can add the latest CKE Editor 5 if your okay with it? and I am not trying to be a dramatic person... you are squeaking me off asking or suggesting silly stuff to avoid that. I told you to use trello, but still you are shooting ideas on discord. ._.

I can already sense that yes he is getting frustrated with you even if he wasn't before. I can tell from his first post that he was annoyed by you. I don't even work for you and I am clearly annoyed by what you are doing. Yet it is not my place to judge.

To which you respond with Sorry? Im having a conversation about the work? And fine CKE 5. You clearly are ignoring him again and are talking about a conversation that has no relevance to the work at hand.

To which Fazz responds with I am working on the layout of the arcade. How do want it to look? Ittermat either you are too excited and saying stupid stuff or it is intentional. I never had conversation issues with any other client... you can ask sugarkym, dinocanid.

You are annoying him and me as well madam. Though there is still more of this that I need to slog through.



Lets see what else is beyond this.

You say I am not excited and im not saying stupid things. too excited. Again spelling mistakes. You sound like you are because above you talked about several previous posts of stuff not relevant to the task at hand.

Fazz responds with I get excited and say stupid stuff.

You then go on to say this was not one of those times, in fact im  super depressed right now. Yet you don't go into detail of why you are feeling bad.

There is a bit of lack information prior to fazz comment.

Fazz says your guinea pig would be fine...

Now I am discovering all this is about a guinea pig?

Look madam you should have said my guinea pig is not doing well lets have a break in the conversation and pick up on Wednesday. Something you clearly didn't leading me to conclude that you expect us all to be mind readers.

You then went on to say Also please stop saying im being stupid when im trying to understand. I looked through all the evidence above and none of the above says that he called you stupid in plain English. Needless say this to say your turning a mountain into a mole hill.

This clearly shows you are being very argumentative something you accuse Fazz of being.



Moving on to the next bit of information.

Fazz says it would need medication and a little bit extra exercise.. you need to taker her for a walk.. Again this is clear case where he is trying to help and there is nothing wrong with that. He is trying to show empathy.

You then say she cant walk. This adds a little bit of information to the problem, but you hid the one in the middle, which makes it harder for me to understand your side.

You then go on to say because her feet are too swollen. she can barely move.

Fazz then goes on to say take care of it. medication might help. Again he is trying to be supportive of your pet.

You then go on to say Lets just put it this way. The prognosis even WITH medication was not good. You true to the previous few times decide to shout at him again as he didn't anything wrong. Second of which why does a pet guinea pig have anything to do with coding of the website itself? Its irrelevant.

You say he is not listening to you when in fact you been prior to this not listening to him. Very interesting observation I am finding.



Lets continue on shall we.

So we are starting with a fazz post right off the bat with no context to what was before it. I think you hid your previous post.

So fazz says nope I already added what I could.

To which you say so no user item shops either? Finally we are getting back to a conversation that is actually about coding and not about work, or hamsters or other things.

Fazz then goes on to say btw dino is making an auction script for his game. I will ask him if he can provide me one. If he does I will install it for you.

To which you say what about health / thirst progress bars? I will give you that its a good question to ask. However that is more related to the pet itself rather than to item shops though.

Fazz then goes on to say why would you need user shops if you already have a trade system. Its a good question as well. The reason have both is to have a bit of selection into what the user can do. This doesn't say that he won't add it in, otherwise he would have flat out said so. Some pet sites just rely on barter systems and don't really need user shops.

Though you kind of earned yourself a bit of a brownie points in my book. Still that doesn't excuse the rest of what you did previously.



Moving on to the next post.

You say no it wouldn't. I want both. Okay fair enough.

Fazz then says if possible I will do it in phase 3. So it will be delayed slightly.

You then say shop restock based on on item rarity? Again spelling mistake.

Fazz then says nope, I have no idea how cron jobs work so I can't work on restocks. Cron jobs require a lot of work to get right and even I don't know how to do those. They require a bit more sophistication and quite a lot of thinking power to implement. Not every coder can perform a cron job they are not very easy to do.

You then go on to say Pet/item storage? ok



So lets move on this next tidbit.

Fazz said I already added what I could in phase 2 & 3 card...

You then go on to say Im just going down the todo list to double check. Pets running away? Again there are some missing messages in between.

Fazz then goes on to say others I can't do because either I don't know how to do it, don't know its program stack or it would be too much work for me. Dino got something for pets running away but not from my side.

You then respond with k. Again there is some missing information.

Fazz then responds says and sorry if you think I am rude. you just gone from okay to ok than k. It shows you are not happy... Again he is clearly trying to understand what is happening.

I looked through these three entire posts and no where does he say he doesn't know how to do java. Only the cron job portion. Madam not every coder knows how to code in every programming language. Second of which I don't see any posts in the above ones where he was rude to you. I can't find a shred of evidence on that front from these discord logs.



Lets see what this next set of things has.

Fazz starts with and I am a MORON awaking in 3:22 am of night for atrocity. This is the only time I have seen Fazz shout where as you did this about 4 or 5 times already. 12am - 3:22am is not a time when you should be talking to people. People are half awake half asleep.

To which you say whats that mean? You really had to ask that seriously? A better response would of been look I am sorry maybe we should call it a night and continue tomorrow something you didn't do here.

Fazz then says it means I am trying my best to be dedicated towards the game, but still you are not happy. This is when he is having doubts of your abilities he pushing himself to spend time late at night to work on your pet project.

You then say thats not why IM NOT HAPPY.  My guinea pig is going to DIE. Again you are shouting once again and trying to deflect blame on him due to your pet. Your the one that brought the guinea pig topic back up not him.

Fazz then responds with I know rodents have some issues..

To which you respond with Im trying really HARD right now to keep myself from just breaking down. Again you are shouting at him for nothing. Madam prior to this you should have called it quits and went back to bed or went off the internet prior to this. You should have not been on during this time. He is not guilt tripping you about the work he is doing. Your the one that is being way too overly emotional.



Lets continue shall we.

Fazz tries to show some support and says it won't die... internet is a big world google if you can find some solution to it.. try another vet.. don't lose hope. it needs vitamin C to overcome her swollen leg. just give her a surgery as fast as possible. she would be fine..

To which you say please just stop. Madam you and Fazz should have called it a night before it got to this point.

Fazz then says I googled... slump and mas is common in guinea pig. This is where I will fault Fazz on this one because he is digging a bit too much. Look fazz when a girl says to stop and is feeling quite upset this is where you kind of need to tone it down a bit.

You then responded with its not a skin mass. Madam and Fazz you should have called it quits long before it reached this point. You two are acting like a pair of squabbling children. Though I have found a lot more issues on your side Ittermat than Fazz.



So lets see what the rest of this brings.

Next moring fazz asks how are you now? I hope you are fine.

You then say Im better at least not 100% but better.

Fazz then says okay but I am not.

To which you say ?

Fazz then says that's the reason I did no work atrocity today. You demoralized me by saying I am dramatic. Honestly fazz its not because of that.

To which you say are you serious? I said "surely you're being dramatic."

To which Fazz says yes I am serious... You litterally talked the other day about your hamster dying and that kind of soured the whole mood, not the point of him being dramatic. That would leave basically anyone feeling in an unhappy mood. And you don't even know?



Lets continue further down this rabbit hole.

You say how is that worse than you saying im stupid? Or saying I shouldn't be smart when I try to ask questions or give input? This is my site dude.. Again I don't any evidence of where he called you stupid. You are being arguementive and arrogent. Instead of settling things down you make it even more heated.

Fazz shows an unhappy face.

You then say surely your being DRAMATIC means I bet ist not as bad as you're saying it is. Really madam you can't go a few screens without typing in all caps? Seriously slow down.

To which fazz says okay I though you told me being dramatic with you.

To which you say no comments on you calling me stupid? Are you really trying make people angry at you because clearly that is what your intention appears to be in this post.



On we go further down this mess.

Fazz says because you told me you are stupid so I just sadi without any reason because I was working from morning 4 am till 7pm of evening and you was shooting one on one message. Well said Fazz well said.

To which you say I never told you you had to work that long... I told you to take breaks/your time and Im being involved in what you're doing on my site. I read the above few one there was no evidence that suggests you told him to take breaks or slow down. You say your being involved in your site, yet you talked about your guinea pig.

To which Fazz says yea but I was working for other clients too. This kind of shows that you do not care about his other commitments.

And you answer with I known that much and I appologized and stopped leaving you messaes when I realized you were sleeping at the times id send them. I didn't see any of that informtion in any of the discord logs that you did this.



I am really getting annoyed at you for doing this whole mess but I will try to see if there is some shred more evidence in your favor.

Fazz says you are my friend please at least understand how hard it is.

To which you say but my messages were when you were doing work of me. Seriously madam you were talking about your guinea pig dying how is that related to work?

Fazz then says now please leave this topic.

To which you said Orwere talking to me? You complained in your post about him stopping when you told him to stop and now you are doing the exact same thing to him when he told you to stop? Irony much.

To which Fazz says its draining my mental ability more. Again he is telling you a said time to stop bring up the topic but do you listen? no you don't. Something you accuse him of doing to you when in fact you did the same thing to him and I have the logs here to back this up. He just told you twice. You only told him once.

To which you say take a break then.



And down the rabbit hole we go once again.

Fazz then says I will start phase 2 and please can you stop bringing your personal life into the work.

To which you say How am I doing that? Im sorry that my guinea pig is dying and I was upset? Seriously Madam he told you to stop twice and now you are bring the guinea pig into the problem once again. What part of stop bringing this up to your coders don't you understand?

To which fazz says I know you are sad but you shouldn't reply to the staff member.

To which you say what? *Sigh* Look he already told you what the problem is and you are acting like you don't even know when its painfully obvious that you do.

Fazz then says I mean you should not talk about it with staff... it makes them sad and demoralized too. Fazz is correct about this.

To which you say you mentioned I was upset?? and I told you why. How often does he have to tell you stop? Based all this I recon it is 5 times to your one time telling him to stop. What part of don't keep bring this topic up don't you understand?

Fazz then says leave the topic anyway I will work for phase 2 now. Well said Fazz well said.

Honestly madam you are making me trust you less and less. You talk about him guilt tripping you when you are doing the exact same thing to him and this proof shows that.



So let see where this next one leads.

You start off with Lets just finish the phases then I won't have to worry about "bringing my personal life to a staff member when he asks me what's wrong. *Sigh* Madam this is getting really old really fast. He told you not to bring it up and here again you do just that.

Fazz then says yea anyway I am sorry if I sound stupid to you.

To which you say You don't Im just really frustrated. Now you are frustrated? Excuse me Fazz has a right to be frustrated you don't.

Fazz then says you got a family or husband?

To which you respond with I thought we weren't talking about my personal life? *facepalm* Are you really this dense? The reason he is asking is because its a question that any sane person would ask is if you are feeling frustrated or let down do you have some that is there for you. That is not a question about personal life. From what I can tell you are quite the fragile person and I am putting that very mildly.



So here we go once again.

You say I am not shooting you constant message. I ASKING about what your doing on MY SITE and inputting on what your doing and when you say youre working I LEAVE YOU ALONE till you message me. Madam that is a lot of lies and I can tell, because one you have a tendancy to shout a lot using all caps and two you can't stop talking about your guinea pig.

Fazz then goes onto say and each and every reason I have given you are reason are correct, including that text editor one... you can cross check with BayoDino. Again your annoying him.

To which you say I don't have to this isnt about that.

To which Fazz says NO NEED TO WRITE IN BOLD AND CAPITAL LETTERS... Well said fazz.

To which you say. IM EMPHASIZING. Fazz already told you not to write in bold and capital letters a concept that is clearly foreign to you and you did this just now kind of akin to Fazz telling you to stop 5 times already. This is like the sixth time but now with the shout thing thrown in. I have already told you this in the previous few times but you keep insisting to do this.

This will not win you any favors.

To which Fazz says I see frustration more in that. I can agree with Fazz on that.

To which you say because I AM... Madam time and time again he told you to stop and you don't listen at all. What is wrong with you?



So onward we go once more.

So Fazz says you forgot to give 1 star rating and worst review of me.

To which you say dude stop making me out to be the worst human being on the planet here. I have read through all the stuff you have said so far and he doesn't have to make you out to be the worst human being on the planet all this discord information proves that you are indeed are. Personally I wouldn't want to work for you. I am trying to remain objective here and not to take sides but you are severly trying my patience madam.

Fazz then says idk where is your adopt page.

To which you say well its missing... and Inventory and other pages were deleted too.

To which Fazz says you have revoked all access and fired me.

To which you say whatever I'll fix it myself. How are you going to fix it, you said you literally don't know how to do coding? How can you do better than someone who does it for a living?

To which Fazz says you can lie... I didn't delete any stuff from it. You can't simply put me in badlight huh... Well said Fazz. Most of the stuff I heard from you has been outright lies from the git go. You are really a very horrible person do you know that and a big jerk too.



So now onto this next piece of info.

Fazz says let me fix your adopt and inventory page which went missing I don''t want to be in a badlight huh.

You say already doing so. Well guess what I am already finding enough info to put you in a bad light too. Interesting don't you think.

Fazz says you might make those program stuff worse.. I know what might be wrong with the adopt page so please let me fix it. Fazz does have a point.

To which you say no I can handle this.. If you are not going to use Fazz then get a second coder that does.

Fazz then says and let me add a condition in forum so users without registration can't post threads on it.

To which you say no. The reason you don't want users without registration to post on the forum is so trolls and bots don't spam up the site and clearly you personally don't listen. Just like you haven't been listening previously as some of the above discord logs showcase.



So lets continue on. Link won't work

Fazz says I earn 4k dollars a month

You respond with thats great thanks for the flex.

Fazz says he doesn't want to though cause he wants the money i think.

You then say I mean that maybe that was why you weren't resigning holy squeak you are making me the bad guy here aren't you? When you are the one that squeaked squeak up changed the inventory pages to the ACP ones and moved everything around? MY ADOPTS PAGE IS MISSING BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU DID. You are NOT getting back in and now I have to go in and fix something I CLEARLY PAID YOU TO RUIN. Look Madam you are already doing an excellent job at making yourself look like the bad guy and you keep shouting every single time.

To which Fazz says I told you I can fix it for you... but you have no trust in me.

You say not anymore. I don't believe your words at all as I have seen time and time again that you have been bad to him.


Edited by Boltgreywing
Adding more info 6
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@Boltgreywing I'm going to ask that you please don't speak for me, and instead ask about my involvement and feelings about the situation.

To explain my part in this, I hadn't done any work on Atrocity in months (at the moment I still don't) due to being busy with other things. The ACP was completely operational last I was there. Silverbrick asked who the last programmer was to work on the ACP, which was me; no problem in answering

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1 hour ago, Dinocanid said:

@Boltgreywing I'm going to ask that you please don't speak for me, and instead ask about my involvement and feelings about the situation.

To explain my part in this, I hadn't done any work on Atrocity in months (at the moment I still don't) due to being busy with other things. The ACP was completely operational last I was there. Silverbrick asked who the last programmer was to work on the ACP, which was me; no problem in answering

No problem dinocanid as far as I am concerned you are not at fault. I would like some context of your involvement in the situation and your feelings about it. I want to kind of fin out the truth of the whole thing. From what the original said was that Silverbrick accused you of breaking the acp. From what I can tell, I can't really see any evidence of that based on the limited screenshots I have to work with. I am here to gather evidence and facts to present so that both sides are equally presented.

One of the things I am trying to find out is who is right at this situation. The more I dig the deeper I find the original poster to be at fault and not Silverbrick. My part is to find if there is any truth into the claim that Silverbrick did all this or if in fact he is innocent. Though right now I been getting more annoyed by the way she has been speaking, and the use of a lot of caps in everything.

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I'll get on my computer soon to go screenshot-by-screenshot with responses and edit it in. To help with gathering evidence and facts, I recommend that you contact Ittermat for more context and ask more about the situation. Without contacting every person involved, a complete picture cannot be made.

Ok I'm on my computer now. I'll provide input based on things I actually have context for or involvement in.

To start off, this is not aggressive -- it's what she usually uses for emphasis since she doesn't use the discord markdown. Having talked to her for a while, I doubt this was unknown. In response to her grammar like you mentioned, it's also known that she has a damaged keyboard (and cannot get a new one) and wrist issues. This would have been explained to him. I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that someone is 10 years old due to spelling mistakes or grammar. Silverbrick's grammar is also not that good, but you made no mention of him being a child. (Which again is why I ask you contact everyone to get more context, because it would reveal information like this)


unknown.png?width=989&height=556With these, as far as I know, nobody else had handled any code related to the ACP since the last time I was there and to my knowledge it was working fine. I don't have any issue with her mentioning I was the last coder in there, because I was.


I want to mention 2 things here. One, telling someone that you're pissing them off because all of their ideas are stupid is flat out rude. Two, I'm not one of Silverbrick's clients and as far as I known I haven't gotten anything from him. Why he mentions my name, I have no idea.

I'm not going to edit in all of the guinea pig messages because that's a lot of pictures, but when someone tells you to just leave them be and that there is nothing you can do to help, it is not good to keep pressing them with things when they clearly told you to stop. It comes across as very insensitive

(I'm using a single screenshot like last time because again, a lot of pictures)
Now, this part I'm wondering why you didn't mention. Files were found overwritten or in the trash (or just completely missing) with apparently no explanation, and Ittermat is right in that this is not easy to do accidentally, and no permission was given to do so. As far as I know, Silverbrick was the only one working on code at the time yet takes no blame for the files disappearing into thin air. I would have revoked access too

In addition to the above, I have to ask why the files were missing from the server at all if he had them available on his computer.

I'm wondering why you didn't bring this up either, with Silverbrick threatening to both sue and send the cops to her house because he got fired for deleting and overwriting files without permission. In addition to that, after being fired he continued to message her after clearly being told not to on several occasions.
That's my input on the screenshots I have context for. In addition to that, I do have Silverbrick blocked on discord but that was done prior to this whole event happening (I blocked him back in March if I remember correctly)

Edited by Dinocanid
Added input on screenshots
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Let’s keep this discussion about facts. Having an interaction that supports either party is useful and encouraged.

This is a pet site forum, not a court of law, questioning someone’s grammar or intentions isn’t helpful. Also... there is no need for independent investigations. This is not a forum for drama. This is a forum for people to either commend others for wonderful work, or to issue experiences that may not have resulted in a great end result.

Also, moving forward there will be a lot of eyes from the staff to make sure this doesn’t get out of hand. I would encourage replies from the parties involved or parties that have past experiences with those parties to reply and others to withhold any opinions until matters are clear.

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41 minutes ago, Dinocanid said:

@Boltgreywing I had a feeling your post kept getting longer than the first time I saw it. Like you've been asked twice (because I saw digital post something similar in "a little announcement"), if you were not involved or do not personally have any past experiences then it's best to leave it to those who do

The reason the post is getting longer is because I keep finding more and more holes in her story. She is not as innocent in all of this as she claims to be. I have seen plenty of people being accused of things they didn't do. There is enough evidence from what I have seen based on the posts she provided. Its not something I like to get involved in but I do have experience with some of these qualms on other forums that I manage.

Personally I don't want to continue to go on with it. I think I found enough evidence to prove that Fazz is innocent at this point. I have decided to stop where I am. All I did was find more facts which is what Digital asked for. Its up to the community to decide what to do about the two. Its not up to me decide on this. If I was to continue I would probably find more holes in her story.

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Like I mentioned above, as someone with no involvement or background knowledge on any of the people involved in this situation, it's not possible to have a clear picture of the situation nor is it possible to gather facts (because again, as an outsider, isn't possible just by reading a singular post). Therefore it should be left up to the people who do have that knowledge to shed light on the story rather than someone who does not. It's best to listen to staff and the actual persons involved instead of trying to solve a case which you have no context for. As @Digital said, this is not a place for drama or arguing, and it is not a court of law. This is a place for people to post their experiences about someone they have hired. If you have no involvement in the thread, then this isn't the place for you

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52 minutes ago, Boltgreywing said:

Personally I don't want to continue to go on with it.

This is a good suggestion. Although you can and are allowed an opinion, these posts should be kept strictly to parties involved when it comes to evidence and investigations. I am glad to hear you have decided to stop here.

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@Boltgreywing Im not even going to respond to your "detective work" because you do not have facts.. if anyone who is actually in charge wants more information I will gladly give it. until then I would suggest you refrain from calling someone you dont know a horrible person- when all you have to go on for your "fine tooth combed investigation" is the summary of events I've provided in my post.

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Hello everyone , we had a misunderstanding in communication so they fired me off ... i don't know how her file got missing but even i told them to fix it... they used vulgar languages on me & BayoDino is another programmer she used to work with them she treated her harshly too...

she is posting edited pics as proof...she got me banned on mysidia forum too with fake stories...




They paid me only 50$ for designing the template which i did and they was satisfied with...only after that i have taken money from them




Thats all i would like to present...i was inactive so this is a late reply but a must reply so all can know other side of the story too ^^


I Didn't accused @Dinocanid of breaking they acp but they did themself...so i recalled it later on in the chats...


Edited by SilverBrick
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I really wish you would stop lying to save your own ass for the wrong you did? I love how you NOR bolt mentioned the really big problem.. which is you stealing my personal info and THREATENING ME.

Also you're a liar.

I still work with her...Dont presume to know my relationships with other contacts.


Edited by Ittermat
I added that I do still work with bayo
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This topic is being locked now as it's becoming heated between both parties and unfortunately that will not help anyone. If you want to continue this then please take it off the forums, TGL is not a place for this kind of content (nor is the server).

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