What advice would you give to someone learning to code in HTML

This is how I started out and I would suggest it to anyone else who asks as well: Neopets! Your pet pages are coded in HTML and it's easy and fast to see results when you mess around with the code. I would also suggest keeping an eye out for Humble Bundle (humblebundle.com). They have PDF book bundles, and sometimes the books are about programming. A few weeks ago I bought a Python programming book bundle and it was a fantastic and cheap way to quickly learn the language. 

I would definitely also suggest video learning sites, such as Pluralsight. It does have a monthly fee, but I remember a while back there was a way to get 3 months free (you'll have to do a bit of digging though--it wasn't easy to find). I just checked, and Pluralsight does have many HTML courses.

W3Schools, Codeacademy, and Coursera are probably nice places to start. The fun thing about HTML, CSS, and JS is that you don't need a server to test stuff out, you can do it all in Notepad and opening up the file in your browser. :)
