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Digital last won the day on April 17 2020

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About Digital

  • Birthday 11/04/1986

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  1. This is a good suggestion. Although you can and are allowed an opinion, these posts should be kept strictly to parties involved when it comes to evidence and investigations. I am glad to hear you have decided to stop here.
  2. Let’s keep this discussion about facts. Having an interaction that supports either party is useful and encouraged. This is a pet site forum, not a court of law, questioning someone’s grammar or intentions isn’t helpful. Also... there is no need for independent investigations. This is not a forum for drama. This is a forum for people to either commend others for wonderful work, or to issue experiences that may not have resulted in a great end result. Also, moving forward there will be a lot of eyes from the staff to make sure this doesn’t get out of hand. I would encourage replies from the parties involved or parties that have past experiences with those parties to reply and others to withhold any opinions until matters are clear.
  3. As much as I am missed, and although I am still around, I am no longer the sole (or owner) of this place, that is @judda. Also all situations are discussed by all the staff and it’s a group situation. If you are not directly involved in the situation, it might be best to sit back and not participate, @Boltgreywing.
  4. Text manipulation and parsing is a pain, agreed.
  5. Form submission/validation/return. So tedious but necessary. After doing it for 14-15 years it feels painful.
  6. Please keep in mind everyone that although we welcome honest discussion, we will lock this thread if it becomes to heated or disruptive. Keep the discussion going, but not the expense of others opinions.
  7. This statement is missing several points that I can (as the founder of this community) clarify. 1. There is no direct bitterness between myself and cpvr. I actually have never had any direct communication with him, although many attempts were made. 2. TGL did not directly benefit from VPL. Members for this community were found through social media AFTER VPL was offline for 2 weeks. Members here were contacted directly by myself and through word of mouth. 3. This community exists as a direct result of cpvr’s actions, public and personal. This community has existed for years because of that. Keep in mind that I have never directly privately or publicly criticized or put cpvr down in any way. I created TGL to fill a void that lasted years to keep a small community of individuals interested in creating virtual pet sites or games alive and not letting it fall into the void. Please before making heated statements be fair to everyone (which I am included as well as anyone else) involved. We, like others, felt let down by cpvr’s actions that have now lasted years. It is nothing personal, but it is there and it what it is. Communities thrive through cooperation, rarely through division. As @judda stated, Only by keeping things together will this niche and overall community thrive and grow. The actions of cpvr by bringing up a new forum with no content show that he feels very different about the community overall and that it is okay to fracture it further. That much was made clear in communications with him and actions alone.
  8. When making the hard decision to sell TGL, it was my top priority to place someone who had been in the community for a good while, had a solid reputation, and had an interest in the community as a community. I felt I chose best in @judda. I will always continue to be part of the community, and here. I look forward to seeing what wonderful changes come about! For everyone who has joined the community, I owe you all a deep and real thank you from my heart, for without all of you and your contributions to this community, it would not have survived! ?
  9. @Hare amazing updates as always, and this guy is my new spirit bunz.
  10. A tentative buyer has been found, and sale should be moving forward around the new year. I will not be accepting new offers immediately unless the offer falls through, in which I will update this post. Thanks for all the interest!
  11. Closing this as a buyer has been found. I will be sure to update the community in more detail once the final details are worked out as to how they want to move forward. I appreciate the communities patience and support. I do not plan to leave the community, and will still be active, and look forward to seeing where it goes moving forward.
  12. I have about 3 or so pet site "ideas" half coded over here. One day... I have found as I get older, and life gets going that although I have ambition to work on fun things, the ability to follow through is limited by other engagements. It is now not a matter of "I can do that!", but now a matter "of should I do this?"
  13. @Boltgreywing the site will not be going down, I am hoping through this to engage a new owner that is driven to grow the community and it’s content even more.
  14. While I remain the owner I will be maintaining the site, I just don’t have the time to grow it beyond what it is, and I honestly feel it can be so much more then it is!
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